Robot and Gripper for Bottles

Automated and scalable high-speed solution

  • Robot and Gripper for Bottles
    Robot and Gripper for Bottles
  • Robot and Gripper for Bottles
    Robot and Gripper for Bottles
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The patented AirGrip bottle gripping tool and MOTOMAN robots developed by YASKAWA features a unique combination of state-of-the-art industrial robots equipped with patented grippers which are designed for safe handling of bottles at very high speeds. The gripper tool has been introduced to meet the demands for a flexible application in bottling plants where the same basic concept can be used for both small and large applications and for a wide variety of purposes. 

Scalable solution for high speeds

AirGrip is available as a basic model in which the rubber gripping cuffs can be replaced when worn by simply unlocking and pulling out the gripping head compartment. The cuffs are designed in 5 standard sizes covering most of the current assortment of bottle sizes, from 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 litres. Depending on the application, for example handling trays from a pallet, or bottles into trays, the AirGrip concept includes a MOTOMAN-MPL160, or MOTOMAN-MPK50 robot, the AirGrip device, a conveyor, a pallet magazine and an operator’s control panel. When the requirement is bottles into trays, a configuration table replaces the pallet magazine. Either way AirGrip makes sure that the bottles are picked up with a secure hold and controlled movements are possible at high speeds.