The second European Robotics Week is just around the corner (26. Nov - 2. Dec) and the program is already in full swing. So far, more than 80 organisations have registered for participation offering 182 robotics related activities for the general public in 20 European countries. More events are coming in every day, according to EUnited Robotics, the European Robotics Association, serving as the central coordinator of the European Robotics Week.
Many events are planned just for the public: robot demonstrations, workshops about robotics, open labs for students, hands-on activities for kids, robots visiting schools, art exhibitions, media events, just to name a few. This years' European Robotics Week is expected to be as successful as the first European Robotics Week in 2011, where approximately 50.000 people could be reached.
The aim of the European Robotics Week is to show the public what robotics is all about and how it impacts the society. It is also meant to encourage students of all ages to study science, technology and engineering. "This is an opportunity for the public to get a hands-on experience with robots. The European Robotics Week will highlight the growing importance of European robotics in a wide variety of application areas and is a possibility to celebrate the strong and competitive position of robotics in Europe.", said Henrik Schunk, EUnited Robotics Chairman and Managing Partner of Schunk GmbH & Co. KG.
Events are organised locally by robotics engineers, scientists, robotics companies, labs, schools, and other organisations which offer various possibilities for the public to interact directly with robots.
Robots - Key Element for Dealing With Societal Challenges
European Robotics Week 2012
- November 15, 2012