Rogowski Type Current Transducer with Modbus RTU Interface

Coming with RS485 output, this sensor can now be connected with multiple VPLog-i-R sensors with other Modbus RTU devices to a PLC or smart data logger

  • Rogowski Type Current Transducer with Modbus RTU Interface
    Rogowski Type Current Transducer with Modbus RTU Interface

    VPInstruments released a new version of the VPLog-i current sensor, with Modbus interface. The VPLog-i-R is the only Rogowski type current sensor with RS485 (Modbus RTU) output. It is now possible to connect multiple VPLog-i-R sensors with other Modbus RTU devices to a PLC or smart data logger, for simultaneous data recording and analysis over a single modbus cable. Moreover, the user is able to connect the VPLog-i-R directly to the building/energy management system for permanent energy monitoring.

    One size is enough for all measurement applications

    The VPLog-i is a fitted device for mobile current measurements of e.g. compressors, vacuum pumps, driers, or any other electric equipment within a plant. Installation is made easy and takes less than a minute by simply wrapping around one of the three-phase power cables and closing the snap fitting. In addition, due to the digital signal processing and extremely large measurement range of the VPLog-i-R, 100 to 1600 A RMS, one size is enough for all measurement applications.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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