Safety Light Curtains

Both hand and finger protection

  • Safety Light Curtains
    Safety Light Curtains

    In the area of the safety light curtains wenglor offers four variants in total, one of which has been completely redesigned: The type 4 curtains can be used as both hand and finger protection. Equipped with basic functions such as protection mode, restart inhibit or protection control) they provide reliable protection for hazardous areas. The curtains do not have any blind spots and allow for a spacesaving installation. Thanks to visible red light, the safety through-beam sensors are quick and easy to align and allow for monitoring of areas of up to 60m.

    Also for applications requiring full-body protection, the supplier has a solution: Safety light arrays (type 2/type 4) cover areas between 0.5 and 20m with red light beams. This range of safety light arrays and light curtains is complemented by suitable protection columns, which feature additional protection, deflection mirrors, and comfortable mounting. New products in the range of the security portfolio include four control elements and various safety relays which provide maximum safety at the work place. The emergency stop switch is self-monitoring, tamper-proof, and allows for quick installation due to standardized connection technology. It enables rapid stopping of systems.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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