Sercos International Expands its Global Presence

User organization offers customized events for providers and users of Sercos technology

  • January 28, 2015
  • Sercos International Expands its Global Presence
    Sercos International Expands its Global Presence

Sercos International, supplier of the Sercos® automation bus, together with its members, will present solutions and services at approximately 20 trade fairs and conferences around the world in 2015.

Sercos International will participate in globally leading trade fairs such as the Hanover Fair, Germany, the SIAF Industrial Automation Fair in Guangzhou, China, and the SPS IPC Drives in Parma, Italy, and Nuremberg, Germany. In addition, it will exhibit at various country-specific trade fairs and conferences in order to present the latest Sercos developments and innovations.
These events include MC4 in Bologna, Italy on March 10, and the Automation Summit in Böblingen, Germany, March 24-26. The spring events will end in May with the 15th PlugFest from May 20-21. Participants of the PlugFest will meet at Schneider Electric Automation in Marktheidenfeld, Germany.

In June Sercos International will participate at the Industrial Technology Efficiency Show in Segrate, Italy. The user organization will also be represented at the Industrial Open Network Roadshow in Japan in July with presentations and an exhibition booth. The Roadshow takes place in Osaka on July 7 and in Tokyo on July 9. Then, at the end of August, Sercos International will exhibit at the Automation Fair in Mumbai, India.

Sercos will hold the 16th PlugFest in Stuttgart, Germany in October, followed by the Industrial Automation Show in Shanghai, China November 10-14, the System Control Fair in Japan and Machine Automation in Segrate, Italy.

Additional education with Sercos Seminars
Sercos International is offering four seminars on Sercos technology in the first quarter of 2015; three of them are two-day events in China. The first seminar takes place in Hangzhou on January 23 and 24, the second event in Beijing on January 26-27, and the third seminar is embedded in the SIAF Industrial Automation Fair. On March 25, the user organization is offering a seminar on the topic "Safety in Automation" in the Böblingen Conference Hall, Germany as part of the Automation Summit.

Sercos interactive
In addition to various webinars on industry-related topics, six free technical webinars are planned for this year. The first webinar is on the hotplugging functionality on February 10. In March, there will be a webinar on machine communication in the context of Industry 4.0, followed by an additional technical webinar on topology at the end of April. As this is a rather complex topic, the topology webinar will be split into two sessions with the second session being held on June 17. A webinar on certification, on May 6, will round off the webinars for the first half of 2015. All online events will last approximately 30 minutes.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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