Solar Power Monitoring Systems

Set of electronic cards

  • by Mersen
  • June 6, 2012
  • Solar Power Monitoring Systems
    Solar Power Monitoring Systems
  • Solar Power Monitoring Systems
    Solar Power Monitoring Systems
  • Solar Power Monitoring Systems
    Solar Power Monitoring Systems

Mersen has identified specific needs for universal and high-quality monitoring systems. These needs are related to PV installations in industrial and commercial fields and large solar farms as well. For such installation the investor is waiting quick and good return on investment. Mersen has designed a set of electronic cards for monitoring. At the core is the main electronic card capable of monitoring six strings making it possible to detect problems as they occur by spotting their precise location in the string. Auxiliary cards can be added in order to monitor up to 30 strings in total.

Edouard Guillaume, Product Manager states: "The main card and four additional auxiliary cards can be installed in Mersen's HelioProtection junction boxes to monitor solar panel strings. The benefits include proactive maintenance, an increase in the power performance of the system (an improved rate of energy actually produced compared with theoretical energy production) and more secure return on investment, with greater profits and operational costs under control."

Mersen's HelioProtection junction boxes incorporating self-powered monitoring electronic cards enable various monitoring and diagnostic functions to be embedded in order to manage energy generation and equipment maintenance.

PV Fire Shunt joins HelioProtection Program
Different national guidelines recommend that in solar PV installations the DC circuit be switched off the closest to PV modules so as to secure the intervention of emergency responders. Mersen has designed an innovative solution to meet this requirement for safety. The PV Fire Shunt device designed by Mersen is based on a shunt technology in order to lower the voltage to almost 0V. This is achieved by pulling straight down one handle with a pike pole. This technology plus the product's mechanical characteristics, thanks to materials guaranteeing good resistance to fire and flames, secure the area for emergency responders and fire fighters. One PV Fire Shunt secures 3 PV strings which is the case in residential PV installations.

Extension of HelioProtection gPV fuse links mapping
Mersen pursues the development of its HelioProtection gPV fuse links offering. Besides the gPV string fuse links: HP6M (10x38mm), HP10M (10x38mm), DC10 (10x85mm) Mersen launches new gPV main fuse links complying with the well renowned NH standard (square-bodied fuse links with blade-type connections). Emmanuelle Delcambre, Product Manager states: "For 1000VDC we offer now a 'short' NH size 1 with ratings from 50A to 160A and a 'long' NH size 3 with ratings from 250A to 400A." The completion of the mapping will be achieved with the launch of the 1500VDC NH model at end 2012.

Fuseholder with screwless, spring pressure, wire termination technology
Mersen launches a new UltraSafe fuse holder for 10x38 sized fuse links. USGM1HEL fuse holder is easy to use and save time for installers. It's a safe and reliable solution for PV installations market.
"Easy wiring is of course the key feature of this new product. Another key feature is the limitation of DC effects on the wiring provided by the Wago Cage Clamp technology.", states Franck Ageron, Product Manager.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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