SRU System for Harnessed Energy Supply Systems

Provides safe connections under tough conditions

  • SSI Schaefer EXYZ
    SSI Schaefer EXYZ

    To minimize friction losses, the user usually relies on standardized assembly groups with the aim of obtaining subsystems from a single source. The Exyz (RBG) storage and retrieval unit provides harnessed energy supply systems from Igus for up and down movements. The ready-to-connect readychain energy chain systems optimize the procurement process, streamline internal logistics and reduce assembly times. The system consists of an E2/000 series energy chain which is openable along the inner radius, including strain relief, dependable chainflex control and data cables as well as bus and motor cables.

    Can be used as a one or two-master with one or two load suspension devices for single, double or multiple depth storage and retrieval

    Exyz means efficiency, energy consumption and performance (E), and X, Y and Z are the three axes on which the RGB operates: longitudinal travel, lifting, and storage and retrieval movements. It can operate under tropical conditions or in deep-freeze warehouses, and is suitable for use in standard storerooms, channel storages, flow racks and order picking warehouses up to a height of 45m. The configuration is modular, and the components are manufactured in batches, reducing time-to-market.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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