The new COM Express Starterkit Type 6 from Kontron was designed for application developers for developing and evaluating new systems based on the latest COM Express pin-out Type 6 Computer-on-Modules. The starter kit gives application designers access to the complete feature set of the latest COM Express pin-out Type 6 basic and compact Computer-on-Modules. Type 6 Computer-On-Modules offer increased performance and energy-efficiency as well as native support for the latest advanced display options, higher serial bandwidth and future-oriented interfaces such as USB 3.0. The components of the starter kit can be assembled in minutes, allowing developers to immediately begin platform evaluation. This reduces both the development time and overall time-to-market of new applications. The starter kit can be used as a platform for evaluating and developing a broad spectrum of innovative applications in markets such as Gaming, Digital Signage, Medical, Automation and Military/Aerospace.
Starter Kit
Start for Computer-on-Modules based designs
- by Kontron Modular Computers GmbH
- July 21, 2011