Struggling with energy shortage

Energy efficiency in Nepalese context

  • November 6, 2014
  • Struggling with energy shortage
    Struggling with energy shortage
  • Struggling with energy shortage
    Struggling with energy shortage
  • Struggling with energy shortage
    Struggling with energy shortage

A reliable and affordable supply of energy is essential for economic development. Nowadays Nepal's economy is struggling with energy shortage. For example during load shedding time the industries have to generate electricity by diesel generators at the triple price. Due to raising fossil fuel prices the economic burden for the Nepalese economy will be even higher in the future than today.
Energy efficiency could play an important role to overcome the current energy crisis in the country. Previous experiences have shown that there are huge saving potentials in both thermal as well as electrical energy. A more energy efficient Nepalese industry will be more productive and competitive on the international markets. Enhancing efficient use of energy will also slow down the growth of energy demand and, thus, reduce the investment costs in the generation sector.

Therefore, there is a substantial need for a highly competent think tank which brings energy efficiency on the top agenda and provides energy efficiency related services in Nepal. Considering the need to maintain sustainable energy in country, Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FNCCI) has established Energy Efficiency Centre (EEC) is aiming at the provision to address all those activities and services. EEC is an autonomous Centre functioning under the umbrella of Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industries (FNCCI).
With the technical support from German International Cooperation (GIZ) - Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP), it is established in collaboration with the Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN), Nepal Banker's Association (NBA) and Federation of Nepalese Small & Cottage Industries (FNCSI) and with the support from the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS), Ministry of Industry (MoI) and Ministry of Environment (MoE).
 Vision & Mission The EEC is a centre of excellence and think tank working to foster the efficient energy use in the Nepalese economy in order to enhance sustainable development.

EEC has developed 45 Energy auditors, 10 TOT auditors as competent human resources in the field of energy efficiency, through training, awareness and knowledge sharing. Human resource were mostly been covered from different discipline of engineering. Similarly, centre had provided professional energy efficiency services to the industrial communities, public infrastructures, hospitals etc. Professional EE services cover different forms of Energy Audits, advisory services. Till date, EEC has given 30 Investment Grade Energy Audits (IGEA), 4 Pilots Audits (pharmaceuticals, hospitals etc.) and advisory services to industries mostly covering highly energy consuming sectors. Through its partners from more than 10 district chambers, associations, EEC envisaged to provide more and more service to market and act as a bridge between government and private sector in order to develop sustainable economic development in country.

We are aiming to make EEC to grow to a Centre of Excellence with high professional capacity that supports our industries to go energy‐efficient.
If you would like to know more about Energy Efficiency please log on to: or join us in Energy Efficiency Nepal in facebook.

By Milabh Shrestha, Energy Auditor/ Technical officer, Energy Efficiency Centre, Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI)