Study places PROFINET as Leading the Ethernet Protocol Market 

A cur­rent study by renowned mar­ket re­search in­sti­tute Om­dia is show­ing that PROFINET is still the lead­ing tech­no­logy in the Eth­er­net pro­tocol field. The study is com­pre­hens­ively ana­lyz­ing cur­rent and fu­ture mar­ket dis­tri­bu­tion and is identi­fy­ing PROFINET as the clear front-run­ner among well-known sys­tems.

  • August 13, 2024
  • The Ethernet protocol market according to the Omdia study
    The Ethernet protocol market according to the Omdia study

    The PROFINET specification is continually being further developed based on customer requirements. Following its annual publication schedule, PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) recently released the V2.4 MU5 specification following extensive review. This version includes comprehensive security definitions for PROFINET Security Classes 2 and 3. At the same time, the GSDML and certification are also being continually further developed. This is creating a solid basis for developers and is ensuring the safety, security and reliability of PROFINET networks.

    Implementation for process industries

    PROFINET was intentionally developed for the broader market and is being used in a variety of industries. As the first available implementation of Ethernet APL, PROFINET over APL is advancing growth in process automation. It’s also established in the high-end range of motion control. Tried-and-tested IRT technology is available in an ever-increasing number of drives. At the same time, PROFINET is preparing steps for TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) so it can meet the requirements of the future. PROFINET’s architecture is perfectly suited towards the requirements of the digital transformation. On the one hand, easy data access is possible through an open TCP/IP channel or an integrated PN_Record_Rd/Rw. PROFINET models have been mapped to OPC UA in the meantime as well.

    PROFINET is a central component of the PI ecosystem. Both technically and organizationally, there’s close coordination with other technologies, such as IO-Link, SRCI, omlox, MTP and NOA. Over 800 committed members are active in working groups, intensively grappling with customer requirements. This close cooperation enables the seamless integration of PROFINET into the overall automation environment. Developers and users alike benefit from a broad spectrum of solutions and a strong community which advances the further development and success of PROFINET.

    The details of the study can be obtained directly from Omdia.