Super Bright F0.8 Large format Megapixel Lens

SPACECOM CCTV LENS “43F2408M-MP” is optimal for Biotechnology field and high-speed camera use

  • Super Bright F0.8 Large format Megapixel Lens
    Super Bright F0.8 Large format Megapixel Lens

Space inc. is a CCTV lens manufacturer founded in 1984. Our product brand is SPACECOM. Most of our products is in-house production, from development/design, manufacturing, quality inspection and product packing. 

The lens introduced this time is “43F2408M-MP”, one of our flagship product and optimal lens for Biotechnology field and high-speed camera use.

The greatest point of this lens is that it is a very bright lens with a maximum aperture ratio of 1: 0.8. Followings are features of SPACECOM 43F2408M-MP.


  • Brightness F0.8
  • Relative illumination 58.5%, entire monitor screen is bright and light quantity difference is extremely low.
  • Low distortion and high contrast
  • Adopts a floating mechanism design to maintain high resolution even at minimum object distance
  • Close-Up photography up to 150mm is possible
  • Mount ; M42 P1.0. C-Mount type (F0.9) is also available.
  • Motorized type is available 

Besides this lens, we have various kinds of lenses to meet market demands.