Sustainable Surface Treatment

Two-step process for chassis surface treatment

  • Sustainable Surface Treatment
    Sustainable Surface Treatment
  • Sustainable Surface Treatment
    Sustainable Surface Treatment
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In cooperation with Audi, Henkel has developed an auto body pre-treatment process. The patented two-step process enables surface treatment of multi-metal auto bodies with an aluminum content of up to 100 percent. In zinc phosphating, which was the conventional process, the volume of waste products increases as the aluminum content of mixed material bodies rises. These are very costly to remove from the pre-treatment bath and the surfaces that are treated in them. 

Reduced downtime and waste

Due to the different surface properties of steel and aluminum body components, the Bonderite two-step process pre-treats them in two stages. This allows more aluminum to be used, while reducing the disadvantages of the current process, i.e. energy and chemical use decrease during the production process. Servicing expenses, the associated downtime, and waste volumes are also reduced. Audi was the first company to integrate this method into its processes. The two-step process has now become the global standard for pre-treatment of auto bodies with a high aluminum content and is applied by leading automobile manufacturers around the world. The Bonderite two-step metal pretreatment process for multi-metal bodies provides superior corrosion performance while reducing investment- and processing costs.