Formulated for bonding and sealing applications, Master Bond EP46HT-1AO is widely used in the aerospace, electronic and specialty OEM industries. Unlike most conventional two component epoxies, the epoxy cures with the addition of heat, which allows it to have a working life exceeding 24 hours. It has a forgiving 100 to 30 mix ratio by weight and bonds well to metals, composites, glass, ceramics and many plastics. The product combines thermal conductivity and electrical insulation properties. This dimensionally stable system provides a tensile strength over 7,500 psi, a compressive strength of 26,000 psi and a tensile lap shear strength greater than 1,500 psi at room temperature. The epoxy also withstands a variety of chemicals including oils, water, acids, bases and solvents. This unique compound is serviceable over the temperature range of -73°C to +288°C (-100°F to +550°F) and offers a glass transition temperature of 215°C. It should be noted that EP46HT-1AO is relatively exothermic and should not be cured in sections greater than 20-30 thousandths of an inch thick and a bondline thickness is typically 2-7 thousandths of an inch.