Universal Mobile App for Hydraulics Solutions

Provides a wide choice of functionalities across numerous applications and geographic regions

  • Universal Mobile App for Hydraulics Solutions
    Universal Mobile App for Hydraulics Solutions

    The eCrimp™ app is a universal mobile app recently added by Gates to its improving range of hydraulics solutions. The eCrimp™ app adds global capability, automatic updates and new functionality to assist fluid power users across a broad choice of industries, applications and geographic regions. The smartphone version of the eCrimp app provides a pack of new features and benefits: quick access to most used assemblies, content being available regardless of connectivity, automatic updates to reach data on new products, dynamic search capability, and product image library are among the new features available.

    “The app and our other new hydraulics products are a result of our commitment to engineering innovation." Tom Pitstick, Gates CMO and senior vice president of Product Line Management

    Crimp specifications need to be easily communicated to customers. Thus, Gates recently introduced innovative hydraulics products comprising MegaSys™ MXG™ 4K, MXT™ and Multi Master™ GMV™, which all offer lighter weight, lower force to bend, multi-specification coverage (for reduced inventory requirements) and market-leading performance. Tom Pitstick, Gates CMO and senior vice president of Product Line Management stated: "Intelligent innovation is central to the way we do business at Gates, and Safe Hydraulics activities are always a priority, regardless of who you are or where you are located. The eCrimp app is the latest example of Gates listening to our customers, analyzing data from the field and the lab, and synthesizing that information to further improve our market-leading portfolio of fluid power solutions." The Gates eCrimp™ app is available now for free download.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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