Valveless System

dispensing and metering

  • Valveless System
    Valveless System

    The Smooth-flo PDS100 is a valveless dispensing and metering system which utilizes dual pumps precisely synchronized to eliminate pulsation. Pump heads are integrally mounted to the control unit, which includes stepper motors, drivers and programmable electronics housed in a rugged anodized aluminum enclosure. The system is intuitive, menu-driven and uses convenient front-panel membrane switches and a large LCD display for programming. It features Pulse-Free fluid delivery down to15ul/min continuous flow. The precision dual stepper controlled pumpheads are factory calibrated to the users flow range. The new product offers RS485,4-20 mA, 0-5V and 0-10V electronic control interface for connection to process sensors, PLC and PC control systems.The rugged anodized aluminum enclosure is suitable for wall mounting or bench top installation in the laboratory or production areas.