Versatile Pressure Transmitter

User-friendly configuration via app

  • Versatile Pressure Transmitter
    Versatile Pressure Transmitter

    The JUMO  DELOS S02 is a comapct, reliable transmitter that offers high process reliability and accuracy. In addition to a classic analog output, the digital and innovative technologies IO-Link and Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) are available as interface. Therefore the devices can be used in many different industries.

    The pressure transmitter is used to acquire relative and absolute pressures in liquid and gaseous media with a high degree of process reliability through maximum accuracy and long-term stability. Measuring ranges are from 0.4 to 60 bar relative or 0.4 to 60 bar absolute.

    App configurable 

    The successor for the current JUMO DELOS SI can be configured via Bluetooth/app or IO-Link. Thanks to the Ethernet-capable (Single Pair Ethernet/SPE) version and the cloud connection, it is used in a wide range of industries (food and beverage, water and wastewater, heating and air conditioning, mechanical and plant engineering, test equipment construction, and laboratories).

    The JUMO DELOS S02 is absolutely user-friendly and the wide range of versions and interfaces enables a tailor-made selection for the respective area of application.