Vibration Control

For industrial applications

  • Vibration Control
    Vibration Control

    With the ACEolators, ACE Stoßdämpfer offers a comprehensive product range for the industrial control of vibrations since this spring. On customer request, this new family is different to the existing solutions, with the light design of its ready-to-install isolators and its variety. The new product range extends from the low frequency isolating air spring elements and ready-to-install rubber-metal isolators through to the tried-and-tested ACE-SLAB insulation plates.

    After all, when isolation of measuring tables, testing facilities and high performance machines is an important aspect, the low frequency air spring elements PLM and PAL are a good choice. Ready-to-install rubber-metal isolators are mainly used in motors, compressors and transfer systems for example. Finally, the renowned and tested standardised and tailored insulation plates are primarily used for machine foundations, supports, decoupling elements, pipelines and in machines to be subsequently protected.

    Alongside easy to use selection charts, the engineers and technicians at ACE now have aids available to analyse more complex tasks on customer request and suggest suitable solutions. The choice of isolation material is determined by the lowest excitation frequency to be isolated. Insulation plates are suitable for frequencies from 10 Hz and higher, elastomer bearings for up to 8 Hz and the various air springs for much lower ranges (PLM 5 Hz, PAL 2 Hz). If you take into account that noise reductions of 50 percent, or rather 70, 90 and almost 100 percent, can be achieved with the various Hertz levels, this cannot be appreciated highly enough in terms of employee safety. A pacified machine or system is not only quieter, but can work more accurately due to the significant reduction of disturbing movements. This means the production speed can be increased and the number of rejects reduced. The reduced loads also have a positive effect on the operating results as they lead to longer tool and machine service periods.

    Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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