Wireless M-Bus Evaluation Kit

For IoT applications and Smart Metering

  • Wireless M-Bus Evaluation Kit
    Wireless M-Bus Evaluation Kit

    AMIHO Technology and ROHM Semiconductor announce the launch of their latest Evaluation Kit, designed to get customers up and running rapidly with sub-GHz radio design. The kit contains two nodes based on AMIHO's AM060 868 MHz Wireless M-Bus radio modem module. This design features the ROHM LAPIS ML7345 radio transceiver.

    The AM060 module delivers high sensitivity, is neatly contained in AMIHO's compact footprint (17.8 x 20.3 mm), is pre-loaded with AMIHO's fully-featured Wireless M-Bus software stack and drivers, has on-board power saving features and is ready for deployment in volume production. In addition, with security a major concern for today's smart networks, it includes AES128 encrpytion with AES256 to follow.

    "AMIHO's application of our radio transceiver is a great demonstration of the benefits of our technology," said Hiroshi Kume, Senior Product Manager at ROHM Semiconductor. "The radio has a built-in packet engine that enables the MCU to stay in low power mode for longer, increasing battery life."

    "We make life easier for our customers and help them get their new products to market quickly and efficiently," explains Managing Director David Blumstein. "This new evaluation kit is a perfect starter kit to get your smart meter or other IoT device communicating easily with Wireless M-Bus compliant modules."