This model helps expand sales of its Reflected UV Imaging System scope that are used by Chinese police forces
The production site certified is located in Ilfov, Romania.
Suitable for ToF applications
Compatible with unshielded twisted pair and shielded twisted pair
Comes with AMD Radeon E9175 extension
It enables high quality and external broadcasts by the BBC Springwatch group
Acceed now advises its customers for project-specific software development
The lens was selected for this purpose due to its uniquely compact size, 10x zoom capability and HD image quality
The T1 and SPE enable Industry 4.0 and IIoT solutions
Producing a lens / lens system for military use requires careful consideration of its resistance to vibration, shock, temperature and water ingress in addition to ensuring high reliability and top performance
Report on Resolve Optics' contribution to space projects
To enable inspection of the blades in a gas turbine while in operation
Located in Weihai, the new manufacturing facility will open in 2020
Ideal for the wide light level changes encountered in the air
The Capgemini Research Institute’s report outlines current AI adoption in the manufacturing sector
Precision sensor manufacturer Micro-Epsilon has supplied a CFO200 non-contact colour recognition sensor to The Institute of Railway Research (IRR) at The University of Huddersfield. In conjunction with an encoder, the sensor is being used to monitor the r
This model uses specially selected non-browning glass enabling it to produce clear sharp images free of the strong yellow tint
Designing a storage vessel for your plant requires a methodical approach. This white paper outlines six steps to follow in designing, installing and starting up a storage vessel that successfully handles your bulk material under your operating conditions.
The subject of "charging electric vehicles" is characterized by an uncanny dynamic. Manufacturers of electric vehicles are struggling with tough bandages and pithy slogans. In this whitepaper you find a few simple facts
Predictive maintenance is part of Industry 4.0 and the factory of tomorrow. To achieve this, igus has developed a family of products under the name 'isense', where various sensors and monitoring modules make plastic energy chains, and cables intelligent
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