IEN Europe March 2025

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Maintaining Machine Efficiency

Interview: The Information Exchange Drives the Sustainable Industry Robots Take Care of Harvesting Grapes

PCN Europe “Paw on it”: Crispy Dried Dog Food Creates a Wow Effect

Beyond the Touch: Crafting a Dynamic Portfolio for Contactless Measurement Solutions

The latest release of DataHub software from Skkynet provides a new security model for real-time access to process data. Now with LDAP and TOTP support and a new data diode mode, the software makes secure, outbound connections through firewalls, isolating OT networks, fully supporting DMZ architectures, and making secure cloud connections.

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Dear Readers,

I am delighted that you are holding the current issue of IEN Europe in your hand or reading it on your screen. In this issue, we are focussing on various topics that have already reached an advanced age in the industry, but have constantly adapted and reinvented themselves. Hannover Messe, the world's largest industrial trade fair, will soon be celebrating its 80th birthday and in this time has evolved from an export fair for consumer and industrial goods to a leading global event for the modernisation and digitalisation of industry and the transformation of the energy supply. In our trade fair special, we provide a brief preview of the upcoming edition at the beginning of April.


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Industrial Engineering News Europe

Marco Prinari -

IEN Europe is also celebrating its fiftieth birthday. Hardly anyone today can imagine what it was like to produce a magazine without a computer to edit text and images. I didn't live through that time either. But from the very beginning of IEN Europe, it was important for us to make contact between readers and producers as easy as possible. Until almost 20 years ago, this was mainly by postcard, then via the Internet and the TIMLab Customer Zone that we developed. In this way, we still ensure that the distance between suppliers and industry is as short as possible, and that dialogue can take place.

To not only look back on the anniversary, but also provide an outlook on trends and developments in the industry that will be of interest to us in the coming years, we have conducted interviews with innovative companies from various sectors that shed light on their industry. The birthday picture on this page was created by an AI, dall-e3 is responsible for it.

I wish you an interesting read and look forward to your feedback on this issue.

Industry News

New Products


Maintaining Machine Efficiency

Exclusive Interview: The Information Exchange Drives the Sustainable Industry We spoke to Hubertus von Monschaw, Global Director Trade Fair and Product Management HANNOVER MESSE at Deutsche Messe AG.

2-D/3-D Vision Sensors Benefit from ROS and GenICam

There Is More to Cable Technology Than You Might Think Dr Susanne Krichel, Head of Global Innovation & Advanced Technology, Lapp about cabling and how it helps to drive innovation.

Robots Take Care of Harvesting Grapes

Processing & Control

on it": Crispy Dried Dog Food Creates a Wow Effect

In the production of pet food, Fessmann relies on JUMO technology when it comes to temperature



New Website Completes Meler Rebranding Project

February brought for glueing solution provider Meler thanks to the launch of its new website: This milestone represents the final stage of the rebranding process that the company started in 2021, aimed at supporting and reflecting the company's sustainable growth strategy, which began in Navarra 40 years ago. "This website represents a restructuring and updating project of Meler's entire portfolio, where the specialist brands we have been working with for several years have been organically integrated. The new website now truly reflects our company and is ready to continue growing," says Nuria Santón, Marketing and Communication Director of Focke Meler. Meler's website is a showcase that receives visits from all over the world and, therefore, maintains its 5 languages (Spanish, English, French, German, and Italian), offering more visual content that guarantees a better user experience. One of the most important novelties is the incorporation of Meler's service pages: Meler Academy, Meler Lab, or Meler Engineering. These new sections reflect Meler's potential to tackle personalized projects, allowing users to assess whether their project can become a reality with the resources Meler offers.

EtherCAT Technology Group Hits the 8000 Member Milestone

At the end of 2024, the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) welcomed U.S.-based Norwalt Automation Group. Norwalt joins the ETG as another leading machine builder that wants to provide the numerous advantages of EtherCAT technology to its customers today and in the future. Just like the ETG itself, Kyle Seitel, Technical Operations Manager at Norwalt, is also pleased about joining: “Without EtherCAT, our new machine would not be nearly as successful: the performance and synchronization precision of EtherCAT enable the outstanding accuracy and high throughput of this system with its many axes. In this way, EtherCAT helps us meet the high expectations of our customers and continues to do so in the future.” The EtherCAT Technology Group continues to expand its position as the largest fieldbus user organization in the world. Hitting this 8000-member milestone, in combination with the approximately 80 million EtherCAT nodes in the field, once again confirms the success and market penetration of the technology. Although EtherCAT originated in Germany, the structure of the ETG is absolutely global: case in point, the number of Asian member companies has recently overtaken those from Europe. This means that 43% of members come from Asia, 42% from Europe, 14% from America and 1% from the rest of the world.

Trescal Reports Global Acquisitions of 15 Companies during 2024

Trescal, among the global leaders in calibration services, announced the acquisition of 15 calibration companies in 2024 throughout Europe, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. These acquisitions represent €65M in sales and 750 employees. The European acquisitions cover different countries and special fields. In France, Débitmétrie Aéronautique & Technique (DA&T) and Contrôle Mesure Laser (CML) have specific capabilities to better accompany Trescal’s aerospace clients. Lambda Calibrations Ltd in the United Kingdom, Multiplex Engineering and the calibration division of Butler Technologies in Ireland, Calcontrol in the Netherlands, Emmesse in Italy, and Reliability and Maintenance Services (RAMS) in Malta complement Trescal’s local qualification and calibration scopes. Raeyco Lab Equipment Systems Management marks Trescal’s entry in the life science industry in Canada and opens two new laboratories in Ontario and British Columbia. In Brazil, in addition to Lumadae and ACCI in January 2024, in November Trescal acquired Conaut’s Rioflow division, which offers unique liquid and gas flow accreditations.

IMA Schelling Group Establishes New Branch in Croatia

With the establishment of a new branch in Zagreb, Croatia, on January 1, 2025, the IMA Schelling Group is strengthening its presence in Southeast Europe with immediate effect. The founding of IMA Schelling Adriatic d.o.o. is another important step by the IMA Schelling Group towards local service and sales excellence. The new location now offers the sale of new machines and modernizations in the local language, the independent assembly and commissioning of standard machines and the support of major projects as well as fast and market-oriented service and spare parts support. The new branch is managed by Nediljko Jurišic', Sales Manager at IMA Schelling, and Service Manager Damir Hadžic'. In the medium term, IMA Schelling Adriatic will provide all first-level support for customers on site. The aim is to build a strong team that acts as a cross-border service center within the IMA Schelling Group. “We want to be physically close to our customers, support them directly and be aware of market developments in real time,” explains Nediljko Jurišic' “This allows us to react more quickly and respond even more specifically to local needs.”



SECO andRaspberryPiLtdannouncethepresentationofthe cutting-edgeHuman-Machine Interface(HMI)solutionatembeddedworld2025.SECOPi Vision10.1CM5isaversatile andmodular10.1-inchHMI designedtomeettheevolvingneedsofindustrialapplications. BuiltaroundRaspberryPiComputeModule5(CM5)andintegratingtheCleaIoTSoftwaresuite,itmergesSECO'sexpertiseinhardwareengineeringandIoTsoftwarewithRaspberryPi'sadvanced computingtechnology,deliveringperformanceandflexibility.The SECOPiVision10.1CM5servesasacomprehensivedevelopment platformforOEMsandstartupslookingtocreatenext-generation solutions.Equippedwithanindustrial-gradedisplay,itfacilitatesa smoothpathfromprototypetomassproduction.Withbuilt-in supportforIoTandAIapplications,itsmodulardesignenables tailoredsolutions,withSECOstreamliningintegrationinjustafew months. BycombiningRaspberryPi'secosystemandhigh-performancetechnologywithSECO'sindustrialexpertise,SECOPiVision 10.1enablesOEMsandsystemintegratorstorapidlydeployintelligentHMIsolutionswithlong-termreliabilityandbroadsoftware compatibilityacrossadiverserangeofindustries.Keyapplications includeindustrialautomation,withfactorycontrolpanels,machine interfaces,andSCADAsystems.



Yokogawa Test & Measurement announcedthereleaseofthePBDH0400 seriesdifferentialprobewithamaximuminputvoltageof2000Vanda frequencybandwidthof400MHz.The differentialprobesinthisseriesare capableofprovidingthemeasurements requiredforthedevelopmentofthe nextgenerationofhigh-speedpower devices. Initially,twomodelsofthewill beavailable:702922withamaximum inputvoltageof2000Vand702921 with1000V. Foraccuratewaveform monitoringoffast-changingsignals commoninelectricvehicle(EV)andcleanenergyapplications,the PBDH0400Seriesdifferentialprobesmeasurevoltagesabove 1000VandofferawidefrequencyrangefromDCto400MHz.This capabilityisofparticularbenefittodevelopersofnext-generation inverters,enablingthemtoaccuratelymonitorminutechangesin high-speedswitchingsignals.Inaddition,excellentnoiseimmunityallowsdetectionofeventsthatcancauseunexpectedanomalies,includingwaveformovershootandringing. ThePBDH0400 seriesfeaturesYokogawa'sprobeinterface,whichsavesbothcost andspacebyeliminatingtheneedforanexternalpowersupply whenconnectedtoaYokogawaoscilloscope.


Withupto100mmwirelesstransmissionrange ThenewversionsoftheNearFi couplersfrom Phoenix Contact makeitpossibletodoublethe rangeforwirelessdatatransmission.Inaddition,theyprovide doublethepowerforautomatic currentcompensationorthe forwardingoftwoelectrically isolated voltages (US/UA) with parallel connection. The achievable range is doubled to up to 100 mm during communication due to the particularly high-performance wireless boards. The parallel connection of two NearFi coupler paths enables either double the power transmission (up to 100 W) or the transmission of two electrically isolated voltages (50 W US/UA each). The IP65 devices feature new standardized M12 connections (L-/D-coded) with duo contour. This ensures flexible field wiring with classic M12 screw connectors or push-pull fast-locking. NearFi is a contactless real-time transmission technology. It allows the transmission of power and data across an air gap. Thanks to protocol-independent and latency-free Ethernet communication, it opens up flexible application options for all Ethernet protocols up to 100 Mbps. This means that wear-prone connections and slip rings in industrial applications can be easily replaced and downtime costs can be minimized. Successful data exchange is indicated by an LED ring that provides all-round visibility from every position.


Differentforkwidthsavailableforcontact-freescanning ThenewMicrosonic bks+web edgesensorsareequippedwith thelatestIO-Linkversion1.1.3. Thisenablesseamlessintegration intomodernproductionenvironmentsandfurtheroptimisesmonitoringofthematerialposition.The webedgesensorsofferawide workingrangeof12mmor40mm. Thesensorsareavailablewitha forkwidthof30or60mmandofferrobustandverycompactmetal housings. Thewebedgesensorsenablenon-contactwebguiding ofhighlytransparentfilms,paperandothersound-impermeable materialssuchascorrugatedcardboard,textilesorrubber.Thepositionofthewebedgeiscrucialforthewebguidecontrolandfor ensuringthatthematerialwebalwaysstays'ontrack'.Theultrasonicwebedgesensorsmonitorthematerialpositionwiththe highestprecision(0.1mm),enablingreal-timeadjustments,e.g.for batteryfilms. TheIO-Linkinterfaceenablestheseamlessexchange ofprocessandservicedatabetweenthesystemcontrolandthe bks+.Commissioning,operationandmaintenanceofthemachine orsystemaresimplified,theperformanceandavailabilityisincreased.Theultrasonicwebedgesensorsarepresetandreadyfor immediateuse.Alternativelytheswitchableanalogueoutput workswith4-20mAor0-10V.



SICK hasunveileditsnew IO-LinkWirelessGateway, whichbringsgreaterfreedomandflexibilitytoindustrialoperations.Withoutthe needforexpensivecabling, thesolutionreducesinstallationcosts,providesreal-timedata streamingandsupportsadvancedanalyticsforimprovedefficiency. TheIO-LinkWirelessGatewayworksinharmonywithSICK sensorsandactuators.Itreducesinstallationtimeanddowntime, whileincreasingflexibilityandsafety.Foradvancedanalytics,predictivemaintenanceandgreateroperationalefficiency,itfeatures anintuitivedesignandenablesreal-timedatastreamingtoenterpriseandcloudplatforms. ComprisingtheIO-LinkBridge,IO-Link HubandIO-LinkMaster,thenewsuiteofwirelessIO-Linksolutions isaneasywaytomakesensorsandactuatorswireless.Boththe BridgeandtheHubcanbeusedtofeeddatabacktotheMaster, withtheIO-LinkHubsenablingmulti-sensorconnectivityviatheir fourIO-Linkports.TheIO-LinkMastercansupportupto16sensors simultaneously,withtheSICKWirelessIO-LinkGatewayproviding intelligentconnectivityatdistancesofupto20mwithalowlatencyof5ms. Sensorscanbeeasilyconfiguredremotelyviathe IO-LinkWirelessGateway,andtheIO-LinkWirelessnetworkensuresuninterrupteddatatransmissionandaccuratedatacollection throughdynamicfrequencyhoppingandblacklisting.



WithitsnewPLCseries, DISPLAY VISIONS hasmadeadminandcontroltasksinthecontrolcabinet mucheasier.ThecompactPLC controllerispre-equippedwitha colourtouchdisplaythatnotonly showsmeasurementandprocess data,butalsoenablesthequickentryofoperatingparametersand controlcommands.Upto50additionalsatellitedisplayscanalso beconnectedusingWiFi,LANorRS-485.Alltheprocessparametersareautomaticallysharedwiththesatellites,wheretheycanbe selectivelydisplayedandchangedifnecessary.Inthisway,work preparation,monitoring,managementandserviceteamsgetinformationadaptedtotheirindividualrequire-ments.Thesatellite displaysareavailableinvarioussizes(1.5to10.1inches).The displayonthePLCitselfis2.8inches,andwithitsbrilliantIPS technology,iseasytoread.TheprogrammingtakesplaceviaUSB withthefree"PLCDesigner"Windowstool.Thismakesiteasyto implementevenhighlysophisticatedandvisuallyappealingscreen layouts.8digitaland4analogueinputs,4relaycontactsandan RS-232areavailableforthedataacquisitionandcommandoutput. Thesupplyvoltageis12to24V.ThePLCunitisjust5HPwideand positionedonatophatrail.DISPLAYVISIONSoffersdifferent mountingoptionsforthesatellites,fromdeviceinstallation,to installationindoors,throughtowallmounting.


OpticalandmagneticversionswithEthernetinterfaces LIKA offersnewrobustabsolute encoderassingle-ormultiturn versions.TheEXOseriesencoders areequippedwithhighaccuracy opticalsensingtechnologywhile EXMseriesencodersmounta robustmagneticsensingcircuit. Theyaredesignedinacomplete selectionofmechanicalversions: solidshaftversionswith6,8, 9.52,10,and12mm(0.24",0.31",3/8",0.39",0.47")diameterand servoorclampflangemounting;andblindhollowshaftversions with14and15mm(0.55",0.59")diameter.Theindustrial58mm (2.283")flangeenclosureenablesIP65protection.Therangeofthe workingtemperatureiscomprisedbetween-25°Cand+85°Cto covermostindustrialapplications.Comparedtopreviousseries, thenewencodersarelighterandmorecompactalsothankstothe integrationoftheEnergyHarvestingTechnologycircuit.Itenables themultiturncountertobebattery-freeandgearlessandtherisk ofmechanicalfailurestobesignificantlyreducedatthesametime. EXO58&EXM58seriesencoderscanbeequippedwiththemost popularEthernetinterfacesavailableontheindustrialmarket:Profinet,EtherNet/IP,EtherCAT,POWERLINK,ModbusTCP,andalso CC-Link.Theycanofferuser-friendlyanintegratedwebserverfor easyandquickconfigurationanddiagnostics.



TheoptoNCDT1220serieslaser triangulationsensorsfrom MicroEpsilon nowhave anadvanced IO-Linkinterface.ThisIO-Linkcommunicationstandardsimplifies datacommunicationandreduces commissioningtimeofthesensor forindustrialproductionenvironments.Thefieldbus-independent interfaceenablesmanufacturer-independent,digitalandbidirectionalpoint-to-pointcommunicationandcanbeintegratedintoall commonfieldbusandautomationsystems.Usersbenefitfromlow costs,reducedprogrammingeffortandfastcommissioningtime.In addition,troubleshootingcanbesimplifiedwithconsistentdiagnosticinformationrightdowntosensorlevel.Thesensorsofferan excellentprice-performanceratiocombinedwithhighmeasurementaccuracy.Theyareparticularlysuitablefordisplacement,distanceandpositionmeasurementsinOEMandseriesapplications inautomationtechnology.Inaddition,theselasersensorsdeliver precisemeasurementresultsatameasuringrateofupto2kHz. TheActiveSurfaceCompensation(ASC)featureenablesreliable controlofthedistancesignalregardlessoftargetcolororbrightness.Immediatelyreadytouse,thesensorcanbeeasilyintegrated withouthavingtomakeanyfurthersettings.TheoptoNCDT1220 sensorsuseintelligentsurfacecontroltoenable stablemeasurementresultswiththeAuto-TargetCompensation(ATC).

Maintaining Machine Efficiency

Air filters and high-performance oils for reduced operating costs

When air filters and oil of blowers and compressors are not checked and replaced at regular intervals, this can lead to premature wear, impaired functionality and/or longer breakdowns. Regular change is therefore essential. But not all filters and oils are the same. AERZEN has therefore developed high-performance filter solutions and highperformance oils especially for its machines to guarantee maximum performance, highest energy efficiency and optimum cost-effectiveness. A brand-new filter has a pressure loss of approx.10 mbar. The degree of contamination increases continuously as a result of operating the plant – and with it the pressure loss. A clogged or partially clogged air filter causes increased energy consumption

and leads to a significant reduction in energy and cost efficiency. The increased electricity consumption quickly adds up to €10,000 per year. These costs can be avoided with a regular filter change.

AERZEN offers filters in a series of options tailored to a wide range of machine technologies, such as positive displacement-, screwand turbo blowers as well as screw compressors and room air conditions. For example, the F7 filter solution for demanding applications. The filter cartridge is identical in design to the standard filters. It can therefore also be easily replaced in existing Generation 5 machines. In order to operate blower and compressor packages safely in potentially explosive areas, AERZEN has designed suitable zone

separation filters for the various ATEX requirements and zones.

Extended machine service life thanks to regular oil changes

72% of all anti-friction bearing damage is due to unsuitable, unclean or rapidly ageing lubricants. Thanks to AERZEN's modern high-performance oils, such scenarios belong to the past. The high-quality lubricants are optimised for the blower and compressor specialist's precision machines and have been tested over many millions of operating hours. High temperature and oxidation stability, proven viscosity/temperature behaviour and outstanding cold flow behaviour not only ensure optimum operating performance, but also extend the service life of the packages. A balanced combination of additives also offers perfect protection against corrosion and ageing. Impairment or even loss of the lubricating effect is avoided in the long term and prevents bearing damage from occurring at all.

AERZEN Delta Lube 06 is a special low-viscosity oil with a high lubricity. It can remain in the blower or bare-shaft compressor for longer and ensures a significant extension of the change intervals - instead of after 8,000 as usual, the AERZEN special oil only needs to be changed after 16,000 operating hours and the usual initial oil change can also be omitted (under normal operating conditions and a D(p) of > 800 mbar). This leads to cost savings of 40% over the two-year change interval.



ThenewFaulhaber SXR motorsofferstandard higherperformanceanda broaderrangeofconfigurationoptionstomeetthe demandsofmoderndrive solutions.Theyprovide flexiblevoltagevariants from3Vto18Vaswellas differentbearingconfigurations.Additionally,themotorscanbecustomized-fromfront andrearshaftmodificationstooptionsforvacuumandtemperatureenvironments.Theoptimizedrotorbalancingensureslongevityandsmoothoperation.AtthecoreofthenewSXRfamilyisthe innovativehexagonalcoilwithahighcopperfillingfactorand straightwiring.Thistechnologydeliverssignificantlyenhanced performanceandefficiencycomparedtotraditionalpincoils. Additionally,anewmagnetgradeimprovesmagneticinduction amplitudeandtemperaturestability. AllcomponentsintheSXR seriesareRoHScompliant,andtheelectricalconnectionsoffer flexibleconfigurationoptions.Themainmarketsforthisproduct lineincludehigh-techindustriesthatrelyonquality,reliability, andanoutstandingpower-to-volumeratio.Theseincludesectors suchasprosthetics,surgicaltools,metrology,semiconductor processing,andautomationsolutions.


Increasedmachineavailabilitythroughsimplifiedservice Withitsextensiverangeofdigitalservices,thenewHydraulic Hubdigitaltoolboxfrom Bosch Rexroth simplifiesandacceleratestheserviceandmaintenanceofhydraulicproducts, therebyincreasingmachine availability.Serviceandmaintenanceteamscanaccesstheonlineplatform24/7,identifyalmost halfamillionRexrothindustrialhydrauliccomponentsandretrieve product-relatedserviceknowledgeandprocesses. TheHydraulic Hubcanbeaccessedviaawebbrowser.Thewebapplicationhas anintuitiveuserinterfaceandiscompatiblewithallenddevicesfromcomputers,laptopsandtabletstosmartphones.Service personnelcanaccessappsonvariousservicetopicsviathestart page.Theycanalreadyusetheplatformtoquicklyandeasily identifyalmosthalfamillionRexrothindustrialhydrauliccomponentsandretrieveproduct-relatedserviceknowledgeandprocesses-suchasdatasheets,servicemanuals,diagnostictools,spare parts,maintenancepointsandinformationontheproductlifecycle andassociatedrecommendationsformaintainingsmoothservice operations.  Anoptionallyavailableconnectorisspecificallydesignedforelectrohydrauliccomponents.Withthiscomponent,they cancarryoutservicetaskssuchastroubleshootingormaintenance directlyontheproductsaspartofofflineworkflows.



WiththeAF1000,Beckhoff nowalsooffersafrequency inverterthatprovidesacosteffectivesolutionforsimple driveapplicationssuchas conveyors,pumpsandfans. Thefrequencyinverterisfully integratedintotheTwinCAT systemviaEtherCATandoffersthefamiliareaseofcommissioning anddiagnosticsofservodrivetechnology. TheAF1000frequency inverterisavailableintwodifferentversions:oneforasinglephasesupplyof1x230VACwithapowerrangefrom0.37kWto 1.5kW,andoneforathree-phasesupplyof3x400VACwitha powerrangefrom0.37kWto2.2kW.Despiteitscompactsize,the AF1000canaccommodateanintegratedcontrolpowersupply,DC linkcapacitorsandaballastcircuit.ThecontrolvoltageisgeneratedbytheintegratedpowersupplyfromtheDClink.Bothversionsofthedriveareavailableasasingleaxismoduleandasa cost-effectivedualaxismodule.Supportedmotortypesinclude synchronousservomotors,aswellasasynchronousandreluctance motorswithoutfeedback,operatinginUFmodeorvectorcontrol. TheAF1000frequencyinverterisfullyintegratedintotheTwinCAT systemviaEtherCAT.Liketheservodrives,theAF1000iscommissionedusingtheTwinCATDriveManager2,sousersdonothaveto familiarisethemselveswithanew,additionaltool.



Enterapplicationdata, calculateservicelifeand continueworkingwitha selectionofdriverecommendations.TheHIWIN onlinetoolsofferthis serviceforasimple decision-makingbasisthat allowstofindtheright drivetechnology24/7.NowtheKK/KFprecisionaxes(linearaxes withballscrewandsteelprofile)canalsobesizedusingthesizing toolandcustomizedusingtheproductconfigurator. Basedonthe applicationdataentered,thetooldeterminessuitableaxes,which arecomparedwitheachotheranddisplayedinapre-selectedform. Theprecisionaxeswithballscrewandsteelprofilecanbeeasily dimensionedanddesigned.Thebendable;flexiblepositioning moduleisparticularlysuitableforapplicationswherehighrolling momentsoccuraroundtheaxis.Afterthesizingtool,theselected drivetechnologycanbetransferreddirectlytotheproductconfigurator,furtherdefined,andCADmodelsanddatasheetsdownloaded.Registeredusershaveevenmoreadvantages:theycan placeordersdirectlyviawebshoporaccessinformationonprices anddeliverytimesintheirpersonalcustomerarea. Thesizingtool canbefoundonthewebsiteforfreeforconfigurationofindividual motiontechnology.

Hall 6, Stand D26
Hall 6, Stand B22
Hall 7, Stand D32
Hall 9, Stand F06

The Information Exchange Drives the Sustainable Industry

We spoke to Hubertus von Monschaw, Global Director Trade Fair and Product Management HANNOVER MESSE at Deutsche Messe AG, about HANNOVER MESSE 2025, which aims to provide impetus in a challenging environment.

IEN Europe: The motto of HANNOVER MESSE 2025 is ‘Energizing a Sustainable Industry’. What answers and solutions will trade visitors find in Hannover for the many challenges the European industry is facing today?

von Monschaw: Our lead theme, Energizing a Sustainable Industry, focuses on an industrial ecosystem where exhibiting companies demonstrate how automation, digitalization and electrification enable competitiveness and climate neutrality. At HANNOVER MESSE, visitors learn how innovative solutions for climate-neutral manufacturing turn challenges into opportunities and lead to a globally competitive and sustainable industry. Exhibiting companies provide clear guidance on how to use technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, robust energy systems, and green hydrogen to catalyze industrial transformation. Our conference program encourages knowledge sharing across a wide range of topics.

IEN Europe: This year, there will once again be a ‘Compressed Air & Vacuum’ themed area. This is also an industry topic in which energy efficiency and costs have played an important role for years. Can you already give us a preview of the highlights and exhibitors?

von Monschaw: Our “Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology” area is in Hall 12. Exhibiting companies include leading brands from all over the world, such as Aerzener Maschinenfabrik, Anest Ivata, Dalgakiran Makina, Ing. Enea Mattei, J.A. Becker & Söhne, Kaeser Kompressoren, Lupamat Makina, Omega Air and Rotorcomp Compressors. As a cross-sectional technology, compressed air and vacuum technology ties in perfectly to the themes “Smart Manufacturing” and “Energy for Industry”. Many suppliers specializing in the optimization of compressed air and vacuum technology in manufacturing also offer solutions for the growing hydrogen energy and storage sector. One highlight is the Interna-

tional CEO Panel of Compressed Air & Vacuum on 31 March 2025, where CEOs from leading global companies in the industry will discuss the difference between theory and practice.

IEN Europe: The EU Cyber Resilience Act entered into force in December 2024. This means that the countdown is on for its implementation by the end of 2027. There is currently a great need for information on (cyber) security issues. Where can visitors find specific information on this topic at the show?

von Monschaw: Under the umbrella IT/OT Security, numerous companies at HANNOVER MESSE offer cybersecurity solutions for manufacturing environments, including cloud security systems, IT security consulting, managed security services, secure communications and mobile security, and complete IT security ser-

Hubertus von Monschaw, Global Director Trade Fair and Product Management HANNOVER MESSE at Deutsche Messe AG

vices. The group exhibit “Industrial Security Circus” in Hall 16 is a hub for IT/OT Security with a conference stage where industry experts discuss current topics such as KRITIS and NIS2. Fraunhofer FOKUS is our cooperation partner.

IEN Europe: HANNOVER MESSE also offers an attractive environment for industrial startups. How many newcomers will be presenting their ideas in 2025? Are there any topics that stand out in particular?

von Monschaw: Our Startup Area in Hall 2 showcases more than 300 startups surrounded by leading R&D companies and institutions. The startups offer a broad range of products and solutions, from software for analyzing machine data and a hardware-ag-

nostic operating system for industrial robots to AI search agents and a service that enables SMEs to purchase green electricity directly from independent power producers. The Industrial Startup Stage, also in Hall 2, generates enthusiasm for new ideas with a lively mix of pitches, talks and presentations.

IEN Europe: The two-day FEMWORX congress will start for the 22nd time on the Thursday of the fair. How has the topic of women in industrial leadership, especially in STEM, developed over the years? What are the main focal points this year?

von Monschaw: Women in STEM leadership positions are more visible, but remain underrepresented. Diversity programs and networks are

having an impact, but there are still challenges such as glass ceilings. The FEMWORX career congress takes place on 3 and 4 April and once again supports women in seizing new opportunities, advancing their careers, and actively shaping the future of industry. The focus is on topics such as female leadership, sustainable career planning, innovative working models and entrepreneurship. One highlight is the Engineer Woman Awards, which recognize outstanding achievements in the STEM field.

IEN Europe: Canada will be the 2025 show's partner country. Among other things, the country is a leader in the field of artificial intelligence. What highlights - not just in the field of AI - can we look forward to?

von Monschaw: Canada’s theme for HANNOVER MESSE, “The future’s here”, reflects the nation’s commitment to fostering sustainable and environmentally friendly industries. The Canada Pavilion in Hall 2 showcases the country’s national innovation ecosystem, while additional pavilions focus on automation, digitalization, hydrogen and energy, and trade and investment. The event lineup includes the Canada Conference Stage in Hall 2, the Canada-Germany Business Summit, the Leaders’ Dialogue, the EUREKA Global Innovation Summit (GIS), the Renewable Dialogue, and various networking events that highlight innovation and business opportunities in Canada.

IEN Europe: Thank you for the interview!

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2-D/3-D Vision Sensors Benefit from ROS and GenICam

Today, vision sensors can be used to implement first-class solutions for many sensor tasks in production, quality assurance, logistics, packaging, and beyond. Raw data sensors offer the greatest possible flexibility in terms of adaptation to special requirements and customer wishes. On the customer side, however, this is associated with a comparatively high programming effort. The SmartRunner Explorer 2-D and 3-D device family from Pepperl+Fuchs shows that this does not have to be the case.

With three different measurement procedures, the vision sensors in the SmartRunner Explorer family can cover a wide range of applications. The portfolio includes a 2-D laser profile sensor and two 3D technologies. With the 3-D devices, there is a choice between a 3-D stereo sensor and a 3-D time-of-flight sensor. All versions are available as raw data sensors, which means that the systems forward the measurement data to an external evaluation unit, usually an industrial PC. Although the user has every conceivable freedom when it comes to further processing on the PC, intensive familiarization with sensor specific data structures is required. This is where universal interfaces such as ROS (Robot Operating System) and GenICam (Generic Interface for Cameras) come into play. They provide numerous software tools and evaluation routines for specific tasks. SmartRunner Explorers support these interfaces, allowing users to benefit from numerous options for setup, configuration, operation, and diagnosis.

The Robot Operating System ROS

The increasing use of robots goes hand in hand with the need for high-quality, easy-to-integrate sensor technology. The Explorer sensors with ROS interface give industrial PCs easy access to measurement results and configuration data. Standard commands from program libraries, which are uniform for all supported sensors, are used for this purpose. In this way, the device driver decouples the hardware from the proprietary programming interface. As an open source system, ROS offers numerous tools and software libraries with which the user can test and implement applications very easily.

Reliable inspection of sheet metal shapes with the SmartRunner Explorer. Picture: Pepperl+Fuchs

GenICam: Ingeniously Simple

GenICam, which is supported by the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA), has established itself as a manufacturer-independent standard interface for industrial vision systems.

GenICam enables camera configuration and transmission of image data. The most important advantage of GenICam is that it enables the connection to many powerful image processing libraries. These libraries include Halcon. This allows applications to be implemented easily and with high performance. Pepperl+Fuchs has entered into a technology partnership with MVTec, the manufacturer of

Halcon. This includes the implementation of the Genicam interface to enable access to image processing software such as Halcon. Once you have familiarized yourself with the manufacturer-independent interfaces, you no longer have to deal with the special features of each new vision sensor. In addition, all SmartRunner Explorers can be integrated via a proprietary programming interface (DLL) in C#. Additionally there are wrappers for C and Python.

Laser Light Section Technology and 2-D Area Image Output Combined

The SmartRunner Explorer 2-D provides

height profiles and edge profiles with high precision. It is the only laser profile sensor on the market with simultaneous 2-D surface image output for documentation and diagnostic purposes. It is insensitive to ambient light, reflective surfaces, and low contrasts. The virtual base length extension using a deviation mirror allows it to be accommodated in a particularly compact housing, which is also equipped with a swivel connection. The 2-D vision sensor has a 100 Mbit Ethernet interface, is suitable for numerous testing, inspection, and measurement tasks, and scores with an unrivaled cost-benefit ratio.

In addition to the raw data sensors, the SmartRunner family also includes vision sensors with integrated evaluation. They can be configured to applications and provide the appropriate interfaces for PLC connection.

3-D Vision Sensors Solve the Most Demanding Sensor Challenges

As soon as 2-D information is no longer sufficient, the two 3-D technologies of the SmartRunner Explorer 3-D can demonstrate their strengths. Each image from these devices provides a point cloud based on xyz data, making the sensors suitable for both static and dynamic scenes. Highly stable aluminum housings protect against mechanical stress and also serve to dissipate operating heat.

The 3-D sensors are equipped with a Gigabit Ethernet interface.

Speed and Detection Range with the Timeof-Flight Method

The SmartRunner 3-D ToF detects objects and obstacles within the large working range of 0.5 ... 7.5 meters and delivers a 3-D point cloud up to 30 times per second. Emitted modulated light is reflected on the object in the field of view and captured with a 640 x 480 pixel resolution. The wavelength of 940 nanometers used makes the system insensitive to interference from daylight or artificial

light. With its high detection range and measuring frequency, the SmartRunner 3-D ToF is predestined for dynamic applications such as use on automated guided vehicles (AGVs) or in robot control systems.

3-D Stereo Sensor with High Resolution

With a resolution of 1.4 mega pixels, the SmartRunner 3-D stereo sensor is ideal for inspection tasks and quality assurance in the near range with a very good cost-benefit ratio. The system works with two offset cameras, between which there is a light source that projects structured light onto the object. Using known information such as camera distance, offset (disparity), and focal length, the system calculates the 3-D position of each pixel using the principle of triangulation. Typical applications include pick & place applications, palletizing of containers, object measurements, presence checks, or checking fill levels.

The SmartRunner Explorers are supplied calibrated. All drivers and programming interfaces for ROS, GenICam, and the DLL for C#, C, and Python are available free of charge from the Pepperl+Fuchs homepage.

Hall 9, Stand D76
with GeniCam Pepperl+Fuchs
Secure palletizing of packets using the SmartRunner Explorer 3-D. Picture: Pepperl+Fuchs

There Is More to Cable Technology Than You Might Think

Dr. Susanne Krichel, Head of Global Innovation & Advanced Technology, Lapp about cabling and how it helps to drive innovation.

IEN Europe: LAPP is a family business with more than 60 years of experience in cables and integrated interconnect systems. You are a founding member of the Open DC Alliance (ODCA). What are the main benefits of this technological change for industrial users?

Dr. Krichel: With this commitment in the ODCA, we are, first and foremost, of course promoting the switch to direct current (DC) technology in industrial power grids, because it offers numerous advantages for industrial users. DC technology facilitates the efficient integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, into the power grid, crucial for reducing carbon footprints. Additionally, DC systems lower resource consumption, particularly in copper usage for cabling, reducing costs and supporting environmental conservation. Another advantage is the reduction in feed-in power required by DC systems, which helps stabilize the power supply and enhances grid reliability. DC technology also contributes to more stable and resilient power grids, minimizing the risk of outages and ensuring continuous operation. The ODCA's promotion of an open system allows for greater flexibility and interoperability between components and systems, enabling industrial users to adapt and expand operations more easily. Overall, adopting DC technology represents a strategic move towards a more resourceefficient, cost-effective, and sustainable industrial future.

IEN Europe: When you look at (factory-)automation and other industrial sectors, are cabling and connectivity technologies not perceived as particularly exciting. How do you overcome these preconceptions when

competing for increasingly scarce talent and skilled labour?

Dr. Krichel: Indeed, the perception that cables and connection technologies are not exciting can come into play when looking for talent and skilled workers. At LAPP, we address this by emphasising the critical role these technologies play in industrial innovation and sustainability. Have you ever considered all the places where cables and wires are installed or included?

Advances in cabling and connectivity are essential to automation, smart factories and the integration of renewable energy. By showcasing real-world applications and the impact of our work, we make the field more attractive.

We promote the exciting challenges and opportunities in this area through social media, industry events and partnerships with technology communities. By fostering a culture of innovation and highlighting our employees' contributions to transformative projects, we can change perceptions and attract dedicated people. Cable technologies are more attractive than you might think! In the connectivity industry, there is an innovative group of people and contacts on the customer side who appreciate the relevance of data and energy connections.

The LAPP brand also stands for high quality standards and the stable value system of a family business. This is how we attract people

Dr. Susanne Krichel, Head of Global Innovation & Advanced Technology

who are passionate about developing technologies in a family-owned company with a decentralised and international orientation. We work with universities and engage with students and offer a stable economic environment because cable and connectivity solutions are always in demand. We aim to attract candidates with our culture of collaboration and the opportunity to advance their own ideas. By investing in continuous learning, professional development and creating a dynamic work environment, we can attract and retain the professionals we need to drive innovation in our field.

IEN Europe: How do you see the challenges of moving towards a circular economy? What role can recycled materials play in the production of high quality industrial cables?

Dr. Krichel: Moving towards a circular economy presents challenges, especially in ensuring recycled materials meet industrial quality standards. For industrial cables, recycled plastics must match the durability, safety, and reliability of virgin materials. This is difficult

due to the diverse properties and recycling requirements of plastics like PVC, PE, TPU, and PET. Recycled materials can reduce reliance on virgin raw materials and minimize environmental impact. Mechanical recycling processes can produce high-quality plastics for cable insulation, but require careful contamination management. Chemical recycling, though more energy-intensive and costly, breaks down mixed plastic waste into new, high-purity plastics. At LAPP, we explore using recycled materials in cable production, focusing on recycled content from our own waste and ensuring it meets quality standards. For instance, we investigate recycled plastics for filler cords, which have less stringent requirements but enhance sustainability. We also monitor market-ready recycling compounds to integrate into production when viable. Despite the complexity, the benefits of resource efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact make transitioning to a circular economy crucial. By investing in advanced recycling technologies and rigorous quality control, we can incorporate recycled materials

into high-quality industrial cables, supporting sustainability and performance.

IEN Europe: From IO-Link to private 5G networks wireless communication in production is growing. How will these trends affect your business model in the future?

Dr. Krichel: The growing adoption of wireless communication technologies, such as IO-Link and private 5G networks, is set to offer new solutions and improve current customer problems at LAPP. These advancements are transforming industrial automation by enabling more flexible, efficient, and reliable communication systems. However, the use of 5G networks in industrial grids is currently challenging and not progressing as expected. It remains a tech push, searching for real use cases. Many existing wireless technologies are easier to apply in today's manufacturing setups.

In specific applications, such as mobile machinery in agriculture or optimizing container localization and steering in harbors, 5G is already in use. At LAPP, we focus on "physical" connectivity solutions and will extend our offerings as soon as a technology and approach are needed for a comprehensive connectivity solution portfolio. We are pushing for Singlepair Ethernet as a promising technology to bring Ethernet from the cloud to the sensor and expanding our portfolio for industrial communications. While technologies for data communication exist, the current focus is on data models, generating usable data lakes, and making data accessible for machinery. We are wellprepared and continuously observing developments. By staying at the forefront of these advancements, we can offer our customers cutting-edge solutions that improve their operational efficiency and productivity.

IEN Europe: Thank you for sharing these insights!

Robots Take Care of Harvesting Grapes

Realising a compact harvesting vehicle with energy chains

Winemakers must increasingly rely on automation during the grape harvest in times of labour shortages. However, slopes with a gradient of 75% and narrow rows of vines were previously considered impossible to automate. The German company CH engineering GmbH has developed a particularly compact harvesting vehicle for precisely this area of application.

The base of the harvester from the Mosel is the UT110evo tracked vehicle. With a width of 1.32m, a length of 3.2m and a weight of 2.7t, it is light and compact enough to be transported on a tractor trailer. This means that it can also be used in vineyards with narrow access roads. After arriving at the destination, a ramp on the side of the trailer folds out and the vehicle drives over it into the row of vines. A cable winch connects the vehicle with the trailer and supports it with a tensile strength of 1.5t, enabling it to handle gradients of up to 75%. In these extreme locations, drivers can align the angle of their seats with the horizon to reduce the strain on the body.

Reduction of maintenance

One of the engineers' key achievements was the development of a vehicle that can withstand the harsh conditions of the vineyard for a long time while minimising maintenance work for winemakers. The key to success: a carefully considered choice of components. Among other things, the engineers opted for an energy chain made of high-performance plastic from igus to guide the hydraulic and electric cables from the vehicle to the harvesting head. The e-chains not only prevent the cables from kinking and jamming, but eliminate the risk of them becoming entan-

gled in the vines as well. The engineers have also replaced classic metal rolling bearings. In the past, the ball bearings were so badly damaged by the grape must that, despite daily lubrication, they only lasted one season and then had to be replaced. This is why corrosion-free, robust plastic bearings from igus are now being used that do not require lubrication.

Vibrating vines due to beater unit

Another component of the solution is the Steep Slope Harvester CH 500, an attachment that can be connected to the front loading area of the tracked vehicle in 30 minutes using six bolts. It looks a bit like an oversized nutcracker: two movable arms, connected at

the top of the machine, embrace the vine. The insides of these arms contain shaking rods that make the vine vibrate at up to 620 movements per minute and shake off the grapes. A collection system under the beater catches the grapes and transports them to a collection container via a conveyor system. The harvesting machine travels down the vineyard at speeds of up to 4.5km/h - significantly faster than any human harvester. Back on the trailer, employees then empty the container and position the vehicle for the next row of vines until the entire harvest has been brought in.

Hall 6, Stand E26

65621 at



Gas Detector Logging Cloud Solution


Solvent Recycler for Chromatographs

"Paw on it": Crispy Dried Dog Food Creates a Wow Effect

In the production of pet food, Fessmann relies on JUMO technology when it comes to temperature monitoring and control.

The industrial production of dog food is a highly complex process that requires technical expertise, precise control and consideration of market requirements. At the heart of this process is the drying of the products, which plays a decisive role in terms of both quality and profitability. Fessmann has mastered these processes. Fessmann and JUMO have had a close and trusting partnership for years. Currently, FESSMANN mainly purchases the JUMO variTRON 500 as a control component, as well as resistance thermometers and thermocouples to operate its own ovens optimally.

Control of the drying process in pet food production

Compared to other food segments, such as sausage production, the drying of pet food is fundamentally different. While the drying of the surface is the main focus for sausage products, the focus for pet food is on consistent and even drying - both inside and out. This is a critical factor in ensuring high product quality, especially for products that have to be visually appealing to the end customer. The development of technical and scientific know-how is essential here. "It's about enabling even drying that ensures both the shelf life of the product and the sensory quality. Pet food manufacturers invest significantly in this area to meet the demands of the market," says Fessmann partner Uli Fessmann. Controlling the drying process is a technical aspect that requires precise control. Important factors here are exact temperature control, even air supply and humidity control.

Each of these parameters must be closely monitored in order to achieve even drying. Quality assurance plays just as important a role as in the production of food for human consumption. The drying process must be designed in such a way that it is reproducible and precisely tailored to the respective pet food recipes. "Since each recipe has different requirements for the drying process and requires higher heating than for conventional products, a separate process must be developed for each product," says Denis Gabriel, Managing Director of Fessmann. This makes the development of pet food production "empirical and very exciting".

Challenges in pet food production

The production of dog food covers a wide range of products, from snacks and treats to dry food and wet food. "The days of feeding dogs with leftover food or slaughterhouse waste are long gone," Gabriel continues. This diversity presents Fessmann's systems with particular challenges, as each product variant has different requirements for the production process. The system must be configured and monitored accordingly for each product, especially with regard to the drying process. The lying position of many products during drying makes this process even more difficult. Detailed control of the drying process is therefore crucial to ensure even drying and high product quality. Another challenge is resource conservation. Sustainability is a key issue in modern pet food production. Increasing attention is being paid to ensuring that

Temperature plays a decisive role for the best results in a drying process.

the processes are resource-efficient and economical without compromising the quality of the products.

As soon as the snacks have left the Fessmann oven, distributors of different sizes are supplied. These in turn deliver to dealers or directly to the OEM market according to the respective sales concept. Market development and special features North America is the

largest sales market for pet food. The market for pet food stands out clearly from conventional food production. Not only the inner values of the products, but also their appearance play a central role.

The products must be visually appealing and attractive to the customer, who increasingly demands high-quality food for their pets. The texture of the surfaces of pet food products is also different from that of food for people. When producing pet food, care must be taken to ensure that the products are easy for animals to consume. "One bite and the treat is as good as in the stomach," says Gabriel. A decisive quality factor in pet food production is the so-called aW value (water activity). This value indicates how much water is available in a product, which directly influences shelf life and microbiological safety.

Exhibition of Fessmann HMI display with JUMO variTron 500 for control on the left.

"The aW value is subject to strict specifications and must be precisely monitored and adjusted in the production process in order to meet the desired quality requirements," explains Gabriel.

The dog wants irresistible snacks

The production of dog food is a technological challenge that is mastered by using modern equipment and developing tailor-made processes. The even drying of the products, the control of temperature, air supply and humidity as well as compliance with high quality standards are crucial factors. Denis Gabriel puts it in a nutshell: "Man's best friend is the dog. And after all, they want irresistible



Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection is makingitsnewandproprietary TeledyneGDCloud™availablewith thecompany'sGS700,GS500and Shipsurveyorportablegasleak detectors,aswellasitsPS200 portablefour-gasmonitorforpersonalsafetyandconfinedspace applications.Theintegrationof cloudconnectivitysignificantly enhancesthegasleakdetectionprocessbyvisualisingallinstrumentdataandturningitintoactionablebusinessinsights.TeledyneGDCloud™isacomprehensivecloudsolutionthatelevates gasdetectionmeasurementbyrecordinghazardousevents,ensuringregulatoryadherence,andstreamliningsafetyprogrammes. The abilitytovisualisedetailedgassensorreadingsfromfieldsessions isamongTeledyneGDCloud'smostpowerfulcapabilities.Userscan tracetheroutetakenbyeachtechnicianduringinvestigationsby utilisingitsadvancedlocationmappingfunctionality,enabling breadcrumbmappingtoshowthepreciselocationsthatcorrespond toallgasreadingsloggedwithintheGS700detector.Whenlookingtopinpointleaks,analysehazardsanddocumentsourcesof emissions,thislocationintelligenceisinvaluable.Additionally, userscaninteractwithdynamicchartsandtabulateddatadisplays torevealfurtherinsightsintofieldactivityandevents.

snacks. That's something you can really put your foot down on. Paws on it!"

65627 at


Forhygiene-sensitiveproductionandpackaging Leuze offerstwonewsensorseries instainless-steel.Thankstosmooth housingcontourswithnofastening holes,Series33Cisparticularly suitableforapplicationsinthefood, beverageorpharmaceuticalindustry. The35Cseriesisdesignedfor robustness.Itisidealforhighmechanicalloadsandintensivecleaningprocesses.The35Cseries sensorscanbeusedinthefoodindustrytoo.Thetwoserieseach includediffusesensors,throughbeamsensorsandretro-reflective photoelectricsensors.The33Cand35Cseriesrangealsoincludes specialsolutionsforpackagingprocesses.Theseincluderetro-reflectivephotoelectricsensorsforglassandPETdetection,sensors withbackgroundsuppressionfordetectingsmallobjects,dynamic referencesensors,andthroughbeamphotoelectricsensorsforradiationthroughfilms. The33Cand35Cseriesoffersensorswith PowerPinPointLEDforthefirsttime.Thislighttechnologymeans thesensorscanbealignedandcommissionedparticularlyquickly andeasily.Thisisachievedthankstoabright,roundandhomogeneouslightspot.Itpreciselydisplaysthesensor'sresponsebehavior.Thesize,shapeandhomogeneityofthelightspotremain constantthroughouttheentireworkingrange.Protectionclasses suchasIP67,IP68andIP69KaswellasECOLAB,CleanProof+and Diverseycertificationsconfirmthedevicesrobustness.

20 new products

Scaling Up the Private 5G Infrastructure

Siemens announced a significant update to its industrial-grade private 5G infrastructure solution, that will enable manufacturers to cover larger industrial areas with enhanced connectivity capabilities.

The expanded 5G solution now supports up to 24 radio units, with each unit capable of covering approximately 5,000 m². The updated private 5G infrastructure is available in multiple countries including Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria, and Brazil, and there are plans to expand to additional countries throughout 2025. When the initial version of Siemens’ private 5G infrastructure was launched in 2023, it was exclusively available in Germany. To complement the infrastructure expansion, Siemens is also introducing the new compact Scalance MUB852-1, an entry-level 5G router for cabinet use with IP20 protection class, part of the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio. The router matches the Siemens Simatic ET200 I/O footprint and integrates seamlessly into Siemens’ Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) landscape.

The enhanced solution comes at a crucial time, when reliable wireless connectivity in factory environments is facing increasing challenges. The traditional unlicensed Wi-Fi spectrum often becomes overloaded in crowded settings, leading to communication outages and potential production shutdowns. Siemens' private 5G infrastructure directly addresses these challenges by providing a dedicated, network solution for mission-critical applications. Private 5G networks also create the flexible communication infrastructure needed to easily integrate smart sensors and edge devices, enabling data-driven decisions on the shop floor through artificial intelligence applications.

User-friendly design meets industrial requirements

Building on these capabilities, Siemens has developed this solution specifically for indus-

trial use cases and requirements. The system features an innovative, user-friendly approach with a straightforward configuration process that only requires about 20 variables in a single comprehensive Web user interface. A clearly arranged dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of the network status making it accessible even for non-IT users. While many industry solutions require specialized expertise, Siemens' approach prioritizes user-friendly operation and simple implementation to support mission- and business-critical applications. This private 5G infrastructure will be extreme-

ly valuable across a variety of industrial sectors, including manufacturing, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, intralogistics, heavy industries, and mining. The system allows companies to operate their networks independently without relying on third-party providers, which ensures enhanced cybersecurity and data privacy thanks to on-site installation. Users can flexibly modify their networks to meet changing demands and perform fast troubleshooting when necessary. 65486 at


WithSun-readableandglove-friendlytouch-displays Moxa announcesthelaunchof itsMPC-3000Seriespanelcomputers.Designedtoaddressthe diverseneedsofindustrialenvironments,theMPC-3000panel computersofferarangeof screensizes,arobustfeature set,andindustrycertifications aimedatreliability,durability, andversatilityindemandingoperatingenvironments.Theseriesis poweredbyIntelAtom®x6000Eprocessors,offeringexceptional versatilitywithsixscreensizesrangingfrom7'' to15.6''.Designed foruseinharshindustrialenvironments,thesepanelPCscome withadvancedglove-friendlytouchscreenfunctionalityandsunlight-readabledisplays,andsupportwide-temperatureoperations from-30to60°C,makingthemwell-suitedforavarietyofoutdoor applications.Whetherdeployedinoilandgasfields,marineoperations,outdoorapplications,orotherdemandingsettings,the MPC-3000panelPCsarereliableandefficient,evenintoughconditions. Designedspecificallyforindustriessuchasoilandgas, marine,andoutdoorapplications,theMPC-3000panelPCsare certifiedtomeettherigorousdemandsofextremeoperatingenvironments.CertificationsincludeClassIDivision2,ATEXZone2, andIECExZone2forhazardouslocations,aswellasDNV,IEC 60945,andIACSstandardsformaritimeoperations.



Biotech Fluidics reportsthata majorpharmaceuticalcustomer haspurchased17SPR-200solventrecyclerstoimprovethe sustainableuseofsolventsfrom HPLCsystemsintheiranalytical laboratories.Theexternally poweredSPR-200standalonesolventrecyclerdoesnotrequirean externalcomputer,eliminatingpotentialconnectivityissueswith users'ITsystems. CompatiblewithmostHPLCsystems,theSPR200continuouslymonitorstheoutputsignalfromthedetectorsof liquidchromatographyinstruments.Incustomerlabs,theSPR-200 hasbeenshowntorecoverupto90%ofthemobilephasebyredirectingthepurerecoveredsolvent.TheBiotechSPR-200Solvent Recyclerisacompletelyself-containedunitwithanintegraldisplaytoshowcurrentinputandsettings,andcontrolbuttonsto easilysetitsoperatingparameters.Itisnormallypoweredexternallyvia5VDC,butcanalsobepoweredandprogrammedviaa USBconnectedcomputerrunningaterminalsoftwareapplication. TherecyclercanreducethemobilephaseinisocraticHPLCbyup to90%byrecyclinguncontaminatedmobilephaseintothecontainer.TheleveloftheinputsignalandsettingparametersaredisplayedonaneasytoreadLCD.Valvepositionandcurrentdisplay modeareindicatedbyLEDs,theinstrumentfunctionsarecontrolledviaasix-keymembranekeypad.


Cylindricalproximitysensorsforsafetyapplications ifm presentsnewinductive proximitysensorsinfullmetal housingsinthreesizesforsafety applications:M12,M18andM30 withahousinglengthof60mm. Foruseinmobilemachinery,they aredesignedforatemperature rangeof-40°Cto+85°C;forfoodapplications,thetemperature rangeis-25°Cto+100°C.Therearesixdifferenttypesofthenew sensors,whicharesuitableforapplicationsuptoSIL-2according toIEC61508orPLdaccordingtoENISO13849.Theconnection technologyisbasedonwell-provenM12connectors. Therobust fullmetalhousingeffectivelyprotectsthesensoragainstharsh environmentalconditions.Shocksandvibrationsdonotposea problem.Unlikemodelswithaplasticfront,therearenoproblems withpermeationthroughthematerial.Thismakesthesensors extremelydurableandminimisestheriskofmalfunction. Atypical applicationinthefoodindustryisthemonitoringofmanholesin tanks,silosandotherlargecontainers.Accesstothesemustbe reliablymonitoredtopreventhazardstopersonnel.Manholesmust alsobereliablymonitoredwhenmobilemachineryisinoperation. Anotherapplicationisthemonitoringofjibsonmobilecraneson trucks.Thecraneisonlyallowedtoliftloadswhentheoutriggers areextendedandlowered.Thenewfullmetalinductiveproximity sensorsareidealforthisandmanyothersafetyapplications.



Delta Electronics announces thelaunchofitsMSImotor seriesintheEMEAregion. Designedasahigh-efficiencyPMreluctancemotor,the MSIseriesbringsunparalleledcompactness,energy savings,andintegration capabilitiestofanandpump applications.Withoptions includingflange,foot,and flange/footversions,aswellasspeedsof1500rpmand3000rpm, theMSIseriesissettoredefineindustrialmotorperformance.The MSImotorseriesrevolutionizesmotordesignwithitscompact formfactor,offeringasizereductionof1-2framesizescompared totraditionalinductionmotors.Thissmallersizesavesvaluable installationspacewhilemeetingIE5efficiencystandards,making itanenvironmentallyconsciouschoice.Themotorsdeliveroutstandingenergysavings,helpingindustriesloweroperatingcosts andreducecarbonemissions,supportingglobalsustainability initiatives.ThesefeaturespositiontheMSImotorsasavaluable solutionforwholesalers,distributors,andsystemintegratorsacross variousindustrialapplications.Deltahasprioritizedeaseofuse withtheMSImotorseries,ensuringinstallationdimensionsmatch thoseofstandardIMmotorsforstraightforwardreplacement.

Beyond the Touch: Crafting a Dynamic Portfolio for Contactless Measurement Solutions

We spoke to Torsten Czech, Head of Marketing at Optris, about the history of more than 20 years of temperature measurement.

IEN Europe: Optris was founded in 2003 in Berlin. What was your first marketable product and how big was the team?

Czech: We started in 2003 with a team of 11 people. Our first product was the optris CT, a two-piece infrared thermometer with one of the world’s smallest infrared sensing heads. The separate control box offers a high variability due to selectable analog outputs as well as several digital interfaces. The CT sensors have unique advantages for the installation in applications with high surrounding temperatures, such as within the metal, ceramics or glass industry.

IEN Europe: How many different products do you have in your portfolio now and what product groups are represented?

Czech: Nowadays, our product portfolio includes more than 3000 part number variations

if we count all the possible combinations. Optris is producing infrared thermometers, IR cameras, accessories and software. On the infrared thermometer group we have nine different product families, on IR cameras we have two imager families, the Compact line and the Precision line.

IEN Europe: What are the main industry sectors for your products and have there been important new sectors added over the years?

Czech: Temperature is the second most frequently measured physical measurand after time, playing a critical role in manufacturing, quality control, and maintenance. Precise temperature monitoring enhances product quality and productivity, reducing downtime by enabling continuous operation under optimal conditions. In industrial applications field such as Metal, Glass, Plastics, Electronics, Automotive, Semiconductors, Solar, Battery monitoring, 3D printing and AM, Food and Pharmaceutical. Over the last years fire safety applications got more and more important, driven by the technological development in the battery industry.

IEN Europe: Software is playing an increasingly important role in all areas of modern industry. What are the different offerings for your products?

Czech: Optris temperature sensors and thermal imagers come with complimentary, license-free IR software. These robust software solutions cater to all thermal imaging applications and are continuously maintained by

The extensive range of software includes a mobile app for smartphones and tablets.

a team of skilled engineers, ensuring reliable and cutting-edge measurement performance. The software offers advanced features for detailed analysis, real-time monitoring, and seamless integration with other equipment. It is an essential tool for industries requiring precision and efficiency in infrared temperature measurement.

PIX Connect is the most sophisticated software solution for Optris IR cameras, offering extensive real-time thermal imaging and analysis. Key features include detailed temperature profiles, temperature trends, line scanners, image mergers, event grabbers, customizable alarm systems, and seamless data integration. With a proven track record in the field, PIX Connect is an indispensable and reliable Windows-based software platform used across various industries.

The Compact Connect and CompactPlus Con-

Torsten Czech, Optris Head of Marketing

nect software are robust tools for managing Optris infrared pyrometers. It offers real-time temperature visualization, advanced signal processing, and comprehensive data logging.

IEN Europe: After more than 20 years of successful management by founder Dr.-Ing. Ulrich

Kienitz, his son, Dr.-Ing. Sascha Kienitz, has joined the management team 2024. What goals and visions are there for continuing the successful path for Optris?

Czech: In the past 20 years, Optris has constantly reinvented itself and also further developed its own products. In the 2010s, the

Industrial temperature measurement and hotspot identification

company greatly optimized the performance parameters through so-called micromachining, thus improving the price-performance ratio. Modern measuring systems now reliably detect even 25 µm small objects in the temperature range from -50 to 3000 °C within a few milli-seconds.

As an international company, Optris is active in many countries around the world. Abroad, people trust in this competence: the export share of the products is 75 percent. Strong growth markets for the Berlin experts are the US and Asian markets. Through technological innovation and a local presence, Optris aims to further expand its international business in the future.

IEN Europe: Thank you for these insights!

65604 at

Extreme environments demand robust and reliable solutions. Our filter fans are designed to perform in the toughest conditions—rain, water sprays, sunlight exposure, humidity, and corrosion . With UL Type 3R materials and protective rain hoods, we ensure maximum durability and ef ciency.

Industry 5.0: The Human-Centric Revolution

We spoke with Marco Zampolli, IoT Automation product Sales Director from Advantech about trends in modern factory automation concepts.

IEN Europe: What is the expected growth pattern for smart factory automation in the coming years?

Zampolli: According to Mordor Intelligence, the global smart factory market size is estimated at $354.60 billion today, and is expected to reach $564.38 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 9.74%. I think that says everything about where industry is heading over the next five years, with Industry 5.0 at the center of this growth.

IEN Europe: What exactly does the concept of Industry 5.0 represent?

Zampolli: As we move beyond the era of Industry 4.0, characterized by automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies, a new paradigm is emerging: Industry 5.0. This next phase represents a shift from the purely automated processes of Industry 4.0 to a more integrated approach, leveraging the strengths of both human creativity and machine efficiency. The robot market is a good example of the transition to Industry 5.0. Industrial robots have been around for decades, but now we have collaborative robots (cobots), where robots and humans are able to work side by side.

IEN Europe: What does this mean for data collection and analysis?

Zampolli: Industry 5.0 means human-centric data management: from data gathering to the information display; from sensor to cloud. Optimizing this collaboration means humans require easier ways to manage data. AI is a pertinent example, where the rise of generative AI is making vast amounts of data more accessible to humans.

IEN Europe: Aside from human-centric, what are the other main pillars of Industry 5.0?

Zampolli: The other pillars are operational resilience and sustainability. ESG (environmental, social and governance) is a hot topic at the moment. One part is ecological and another is social. If we put these parts together, the human is again central to the premise of effective ESG. By optimizing the use of resources and reducing waste, Industry 5.0 supports sustainability goals. The concept is similar for operational resilience. The integration of human skills with machine precision makes production systems more adaptable and resilient to disrup-

tion. Manufacturing plants need to achieve efficiency and quality at a competitive cost. But what if one part of the supply chain is not working as it should? We saw this with unforeseen events such as the pandemic and the Suez Canal problem in 2021. You cannot predict everything – the world is not binary, it’s incredibly complex. If you want to withstand to all the challenges, you always need a risk mitigation policy, where human input is paramount.

IEN Europe: Will cyber-physical systems evolve as part of Industry 5.0?

Zampolli: System interaction with the physical (human) part of the world is gaining more and more traction. The aforementioned cobot is a notable example. Today, integration is becoming a much bigger part of the solution.

The end of the journey is the digital twin. A digital twin can monitor the performance of a cyber-physical system and provide insights to optimize its operation and predict potential failures. The two are connected and the relationship is really strong.

IEN Europe: What about products and services?

Zampolli: Industry 5.0 allows for even greater customization of products and services. Advanced technologies enable manufacturers to meet individual customer needs more efficiently, with support from supply chains that are more responsive and distributed.

IEN Europe: What technologies are you referring to?

Zampolli: There are several, but we can focus on three that, via greater integration

A fleet of mobile robots provides the flexibility to deliver materials to the right place at the right time.

with humans, are major contributors to Industry 5.0: AI, IoT and cybersecurity. AI algorithms aid decision-making, predictive maintenance, and the optimization of production lines, while IoT devices collect and analyse data from many sources, facilitating smarter and more responsive manufacturing systems. Then we have cybersecurity. As connectivity increases, so does the risk of cyberattacks. Robust cybersecurity measures are vital if we are to prove successful at protecting sensitive data and systems.

IEN Europe: As you mentioned before, flexibility is one of the keys in modern automation concepts. What role does virtualization play here?

Zampolli: Virtualization is emerging as a cornerstone of modern automation, revolutionizing how industries manage and optimize their processes. By abstracting physical resources and creating virtual environments, virtualization becomes a transformative technology that enhances efficiency and scalability in your automation systems. Visualization also enables manufacturers to respond more effectively to changing demands.

Virtualization in automation involves creating virtual versions of physical components, such as controllers, managed switches, and

HMI. It permits multiple virtual machines (VMs) to run on just one physical machine, optimizing resource utilization and lowering costs. Put simply, virtualization facilitates the development and deployment of automated processes in a more agile and efficient way.

IEN Europe: What are the key benefits of virtualization in automation?

Zampolli: First is resource optimization. Virtualization maximizes the use of physical resources by allowing multiple VMs to share the same hardware. This leads to significant cost savings and improved efficiency. Virtualization also enhances disaster recovery capabilities by enabling quick back-ups and restorations of VMs. In addition, it ensures high availability by allowing automated failover processes.

As a further advantage, virtualization simplifies your management of automation systems by centralizing control and monitoring. This capability reduces the complexity of maintaining multiple physical devices. Then there is scalability. It’s easy to scale virtual environments up or down in line with demand.

IEN Europe: What technologies underpin virtualization in automation?

Zampolli: There are many technologies but let’s focus on three key ones: hypervisors, containerization, and orchestration tools. Hypervisors are the software layers that enable multiple VMs to run on a single physical machine. Examples include VMware ESXi or Microsoft Hyper-V. Then we have containerization, where containers such as those managed by Docker and Kubernetes, provide lightweight virtualization through the encapsulation of applications and their dependencies. We must also consider orchestration tools, which automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, delivering seamless operation in virtual environments.

In the context of Industry 5.0, virtualization can create a virtual industrial realm that mirrors the physical world. Applications include manufacturing simulation, product development, and operator training. By reducing administrative overheads, increasing scalability, and cutting costs, virtualization is becoming a fundamental pillar of modern industrial automation.

IEN Europe: Thank you for sharing this information with us!

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From data collection to information display, Industry 5.0 means human-centred data management.

Making Cutting-Edge Technology Industry-Ready

An IEN Europe interview with Jan Hartmann - Managing Partner IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH

IEN Europe: In 1997 IDS was founded and launched its first frame grabber for the industry. How many products are in your catalogue today and what are the main product categories you offer to customers?

Hartmann: We actually have around 5000 products in our portfolio.

Our product categories include 2D (area scan) and 3D cameras with different interfaces and capabilities, as well as an enormously wide selection of innovative image sensors (such as the event-based Sony Prophesee sensor IMX636) for a wide variety of applications. For even more scope, we also offer cameras with artificial intelligence (AI cameras) or with streaming and event recording feature (monitoring cameras).

Additionally, we not only supply self-configurable, modular cameras, but also develop

custom cameras and, of course, also provide the appropriate software. These customised special developments are one of our strengths, which allow us to stand out from the international competition.

IEN Europe: AI vision is a relatively new area, so experts are rare. How do you ensure that the products are as easy to use as possible and that a broad range of users benefit from the advantages?

Hartmann: Usability is a key factor for the acceptance of AI in image processing. The development of an AI vision solution is primarily a question of data acquisition and

The IDS industrial camera portfolio includes modular 2D, 3D and AI cameras.
New uEye live camera series for live streaming and process monitoring.


and streaming

labelling. This means that even users who are not classic image processing specialists can quickly achieve results. For this reason, we have designed the complete IDS NXT system to be as user-friendly as possible. All workflows are precisely coordinated: from capturing the training images to labelling, training a neural network at the touch of a button and execution on one of the IDS NXT camera models. The handling of the training images and the training take place in the cloud so that customers do not have to set up a development environment. At the same time, the system also offers professionals the opportunity to dive deeper and develop their own vision apps, for example. In addition, with DENKnet we can also offer the right solution for very demanding applications. This makes us an ‘enabler’ and AI partner for a wide variety of groups - from research to start-ups and SMEs to large corporations.

A new class of intelligent industrial cameras has emerged from the collaboration of IDS and Ambarella: our latest addition to the NXT ecosystem IDS NXT malibu com -

bines perfect image quality with On-Camera AI, video compression and streaming. All this is performed directly in and output from the camera. IDS is the first company to offer this special chip - previously known from action cameras - for use in industrial applications. Consumer technology meets industrial expertise!

IEN Europe: It took you from 1997 to 2018 to deliver the first million industrial cameras and you are now approaching the 2 million mark. Looking to the future, when do you expect to reach the third million? And what is the next big technology trend you see in machine vision?

Hartmann: We are aiming for further growth and are focusing on clearly shortening the time between the next million in future. Our credo and secret of success is certainly, that we make existing technology industry-ready, i.e. we anticipate technology trends from the consumer sector and make them suitable for industrial use, such as the app-based concept of the intelligent IDS NXT cameras

mentioned above and our industrial monitoring cameras uEye live.

The next big technology trends in machine vision are likely to be edge AI and vision, event-based vision and lightweight and embedded 3D vision - whether for robotics and automation or with regard to sustainability issues such as precision agriculture or environmental monitoring. Furthermore, we are deeply convinced that access to new technologies must become increasingly easier for users.

IEN Europe: The Vision Channel on your website is an interesting section. Could you please briefly explain to the readers what you offer there?

Hartmann: "Knowledge increases when it is shared" – following this maxim, IDS is making its expertise as one of the leading manufacturers of digital industrial cameras available free of charge and directly accessible on this platform. The monthly online events and how-to videos are short, focused and interesting for both beginners and experts. Moreover, the IDS Vision Channel also offers a media library with recordings of past events and additional, exclusive content such as handouts and source-code samples. The online sessions address image processing topics around 2D, 3D and embedded vision as well as artificial intelligence. Afterwards, questions can be discussed in the group or with the speakers from a wide range of disciplines at IDS. Beyond that, we involve guests from technology partners or start-ups. The experts are available to answer questions during and after the online sessions. In short: We bring our specialists conveniently on the screen. Participants can choose suitable events from a wide range of topics and receive tips and tricks for their own applications.

IEN Europe: Thank you for sharing these insights!

IDS NXT malibu combines perfect image
with On-Camera AI, video compression
© IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH

Designs for the Converged Communication Networks of the Future

An Interview with Zack Mihalis, Product Line Director Industrial Ethernet Analog Devices.

IEN Europe: At SPS 2024, you introduced the ADIN6310 6-port Industrial Ethernet Time Sensitive Networking Switch. What are the main benefits and what applications can it be used for?

Mihalis: Next generation Factory and Process Automation networks require a single network supporting both real-time, mission critical and non-real time data. Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) enables IT/OT network convergence.

The ADIN6310 is a flexible Deterministic Ethernet Switch platform that provides:

• Six high throughput, low latency Ethernet ports

• TSN subsystem manages real-time communications

• Flexibility to select the host processor and PHY for optimal application fit

• Various redundancy features for seamless failover and improved network uptime (i.e., high availability).

• Packet Assist Engine offloading host processor increases application performance and efficiency, and reduces SW development time

The connected factory. Picture: Analog Devices

• Various time synchronization protocols

• NETCONF/YANG support for simplified network and device configuration management

Applications that can benefits from the ADIN6310 are: Factory and Process Automation, Motion Control and Robots, Energy Automation, and Instrumentation.

IEN Europe: With the convergence of IT and OT systems, networks need to handle more data in more complex environments. How can the ADIN6310 support the need for the highest possible network availability?

Mihalis: The ADIN6310 supports three different high availability or redundancy protocols to ensure maximum network uptime:

• 802.1CB Frame Replication and Elimination for Reliability (FRER): Provides redundancy by sending two copies of a message through maximally disjointed paths to ensure delivery.

• High-Availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR): Provides seamless failover by sending duplicate frames over two different paths. If one path fails, the data can still reach its destination via the other path without any delay or packet loss

• Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP): Provides redundancy by sending duplicate frames over two separate, fail-independent networks (LAN A and LAN B). If one network fails, the other ensures continuous data transmission without any loss.

IEN Europe: Thank you for sharing this information with us.

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VPInstruments announcesthe additionoftheP220thermal probetotheVPFlowScopeM family.Thisnewmodelretainsall thebenefitsoftheVPFlowScope Minsertionflowmeter,buthasan optimiseddesignthatallowsitto beusedinpipesassmallas1". Thisensuresmaximumaccuracy withminimumpressureloss. Designedforcompressedairand industrialgases,theVPFlowScope Misaversatile4-in-1insertionflowmeter.Itsimultaneouslymeasuresbi-directionalflow,pressure,temperatureandtotalflow. It's theidealsolutionforbothauditsandpermanentinstallationsto gainaninsightintotheperformanceofyoursystem.Thenewly designedsensortipoftheVPFlowScopeMP220ensuresanultralowblockagefactor,significantlyreducingthepressuredropover thesensor.Thisimprovementensurestoobtainaccuratemeasurementsevenin1"pipes.Thisoptimisationmakesitparticularly suitableforcompactsystemswhereminimisingpressuredropis criticaltoperformance. Forfasterandeasierinstallations,theM P220featuresanimprovedsafetycouplingthatallowssafeinsertionunderpressure.Itsreducedinsertionlengthalsomakesit perfectfortightorhard-to-reachspaces.



EBE sensors + motion hasrevised itshandwheelHR100forthe precisemachinecontrol.Withthe innovativemagneticdetentand newHALLsensortechnologyit offerssignificantadvantagesover conventionalmodelswithballspringdetent.Whilemechanical systemsloseprecisionovertimeduetowear,theHallsensorsin theHR100handwheelremainpreciseandreliablethroughouttheir entireservicelife.Thenewlydesignedmagneticdetentisalsonot subjecttomechanicalabrasion,whichnotonlyincreasesdurabilitybutalsoreducesmaintenancecosts. Incontrasttoopticalor mechanicalscanningsystems,theuseofthelatestHALL-sensorbasedscanningalsoguaranteesconsistentlygoodinputprecision, evenunderdifficultconditionssuchasvibrationorshock. Another uniquefeatureisthedeliberatelyintegratedoverrun.Thedetent mechanismusedenablessensitiveadjustmentstobemadeon CNCmachinesthankstothe100detents.Insituationswherea longertraveldistanceisrequiredforprecisepositioning,theoverrunallowstheoperatortomovethemachinewithoutcrankingthe entiredistance.Incontrast,asystemwithaball-springdetent mechanismstopsimmediatelyinthedetentposition,evenwhen turnedquickly.Thiscontributestoevenmoreprecisecontroland optimizationofthemanufacturingprocess.


Robustandefficientwithsingleorthree-phasemotor ThePfeiffer Vacuum HiScroll 46achieveshighpumping speeds,offeringpowerful vacuumperformanceinterms ofsizetopumpingspeedratio. Weighingeighteenkilograms lessthancomparableproducts onthemarket,itprovidesefficiencyandeaseofuse.ThesmallsizeoftheHiScroll46makesita fittingchoiceforanalyticandindustrialapplicationsandevensemiconductorapplicationswherespaceisatapremium. Oneofthe keyfeaturesoftheHiScroll46isitsquietoperation.Thesinglephasemotorvariantboastsasoundpressurelevelofjust50dB(A), makingitoneofthequietestvacuumpumpsavailable.Operating atonly280W,theHiScrollconsumes50%lessenergythanother scrollormulti-stagevacuumpumps. Thethree-phasemotorvariant oftheHiScroll46isdesignedwithcustomerconvenienceinmind. EquippedwithaHartingpowerplug,itrequiresjustaone-time wiringsetupbythecustomertomatchthelocalpowersupply. Afterthisinitialinstallation,thepumpcanbeeasilyoperatedby simplyunpluggingandpluggingitbackin,allowingforimmediate usewithouttheneedforadditionalprofessionalelectricalinstallation.Therobustandefficientthree-phasemotordesignwillalso comewithIP44certification,enhancingitscompatibilitywith industrialenvironments.

From Fantasy to Factory Floor

Today’s sophisticated industrial robots embody millennia of imagination and decades of engineering effort

Intelligent machines that help us do more have existed in fiction for thousands of years. As early as the 8th century BCE, Homer’s Iliad imagined a team of skilled automata as metalworking assistants: “There were golden handmaids also who worked for him, and were like real young women, with sense and reason, voice also and strength, and all the learning of the immortals; these busied themselves as the king bade them” (Iliad, book 18). In the real world of the 1970s, industrial robots - the name taken from Czech literatureof the 1920s (R.U.R., a play by Karel Cˇapek) - brought superhuman strength, speed, and repeatability to the automotive industry, performing tasks like welding and spraying.

Early Industrialisation

During this time, Yamaha had developed its own Computer Aided

Manufacturing Equipment (CAME) to support motorcycle production. In contrast to those large welding robots, the machines were small, highly functional, and elegantly designed. In 1981, perceiving a broader role in industry for this CAME concept, Yamaha formed the first incarnation of its Intelligent Machines (IM) division. The founding team of about 50 staff included engineers from the production technology group, as well as newly hired specialists. However, the market for such equipment was unproven at this time and conditions were difficult.

For a while, activities ceased until the arrival of Katsuhiko Tsuchiya, returning to Japan from a posting as head of Yamaha’s California R&D Centre. He reformed the IM division and the team continued to work in a corner of the motorcycle factory. With general market interest in industrial robots continuing to grow, the team took the opportunity to show how their technologies could transform production processes and boost manufacturing productivity at the Tokyo International Robot Exhibition of September 1983.

At this event, visitors from a major electronic equipment manufacturer witnessed the demonstrations presented at the Yamaha IM booth. They got in touch to ask whether the knowhow on display could be used to make a small chip mounter for attaching electronic components to printed circuit boards. This small, high-precision, programmable machine became the forerunner for today’s surface-mount placement machines. Even now, high-speed inline surface mounters are the biggest selling items in the Yamaha Robotics portfolio. Infused with Yamaha’s robot technology, they deliver high speed, accuracy, repeatability, and flexibility, with many innovative automated capabilities that allow sustained fast cycle times with minimal errors; two of the main benefits manufacturers can gain by introducing robots in their activities.

The IM division continued to present new and more advanced concepts at exhibitions worldwide. As technological development continued, the orders taken at these events became more frequent and larger. These early projects included an assembly line for brakes and a photocopier manufacturing system. Since then, the division has delivered more and more robots to support production activities in an increasingly diverse selection of industries, such as assembling consumer electrical appliances, transporting automotive components, and producing large liquid crystal panels.

An early example of Yamaha’s Computer Aided Manufacturing Equipment (CAME).

High-speed battery assembly and test solution with the Yamaha YK1200X SCARA robot.

Industrial Robots Today

Building on knowledge and technologies developed for those early CAME machines, Industrial robots have evolved to become sophisti cated and highly developed cartesian, SCARA, articulated, and collab orative robots. In addition, Yamaha’s LCMR200 modules embody robot technology to deliver high-speed, programmable workpiece transport as a quieter, more robust, reliable, and flexible alternative to conven tional conveyors.

Yamaha is also expanding the adoption of industrial robots to include smaller enterprises by engineering new products for a high performance-cost ratio. The YK-XE SCARA series is one example. Yamaha extended the portfolio in 2024 by introducing the YK-XEC cleanroom series. Meeting ISO Class 4 (ISO 14644-1) cleanliness standards, they are used in semiconductor fabrication, hard-disk assembly, medical device assembly, and food production.

Robots have come a long way since the enthusiastic engineers of Yamaha’s startup IM division began their quest in 1981. Their work has contributed to the development of a globally influential technology, developed and adopted by leading businesses and researchers. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global industrial robots market is estimated at $18 billion in 2023 and is expected to exceed $41 billion by 2030 ( industrial-robots-market-100360).

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The trend towards greater automation continues to grow in factories worldwide, as businesses seek to increase their productivity in all aspects of making, packaging, and handling diverse types of products. Robots are now widely adopted to accelerate process cycle times and minimise errors, while end-to-end automation of complete assembly sequences can improve workflow by enhancing synchronization between the individual processes.

Moreover, new markets and applications have emerged such as production of electric-vehicle batteries, which is ideally served by large SCARA robots. In 2023, Yamaha Robotics demonstrated a battery final assembly and test solution capable of repeatedly lifting and placing 35kg modules with extreme positional accuracy for electrical testing and final assembly.

new products

Efficient and Sustainable Cleaning with Only Compressed Air, Electricity and Water

Plasma Technology for Surface Cleaning with High Demands

In many high-tech industries, such as automotive, electronics, aerospace and medical, the cleanliness of surfaces is a critical success factor. While conventional cleaning methods often rely on solvents or complex wet chemical processes, Plasmatreat offers a reliable and efficient alternative with the new HydroPlasma technology. The innovative technology works completely without chemicals, using only compressed air, electricity and water.

Removal of oil, salt and grease

This innovative technology uses ionized water to efficiently remove even the most stubborn contaminants such as oil, salt and greasecompletely chemical-free and environmentally friendly.

The cleaning process is based on the direct injection of water into the plasma jet, where it is ionized and converted into a highly reactive jet. A specially designed nozzle directs the jet onto the desired substrate surface. The ionized water molecules achieve a cleaning effect comparable to that of detergent in warm water, reliably dissolving and removing residues.

The Openair-Plasma process developed by Plasmatreat has been optimizing industrial production processes for many years. A process gas, usually air, is ionized by a high-voltage arc. This creates a plasma jet that, through a specially adapted nozzle, micro-cleans surfaces with pinpoint accuracy, activating metal, glass and plastic surfaces. It reliably removes contaminants such as dust and organic residues. At the same time, plasma treatment increases the surface energy, making materials more wettable and creating optimal conditions for subsequent processes such as bonding, painting, printing, sealing and coating.

For applications where this alone is not sufficient, for example, in the case of difficult-toremove contaminants such as oils, greases or salts - HydroPlasma complements the Plasmatreat portfolio with another powerful cleaning technology.

Both are VOC-free, sustainable cleaning processes that do not use environmentally harmful chemicals. As a result, they not only contribute to workplace safety, but also help companies reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainable production processes.

Versatile industrial applications

HydroPlasma is particularly suitable for indus-

tries with high purity requirements and can be integrated into existing production processes as well as into existing Plasmatreat plasma systems. The process is extremely flexible and can be used for industrial processes such as battery production or applications in the electronics industry. Originally developed for metal and glass cleaning, HydroPlasma also demonstrates its advantages in the plastics sector. The cooling effect of the water supply minimizes the risk of thermal damage to sensitive surfaces, allowing for gentle but effective cleaning.

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Gentle, intensive and efficient removal of stubborn residues on glass, metal and plastic surfaces.
© Plasmatreat GmbH



TDK Lambda announced push-inwireterminationsfor modelsinthehigh-reliability HWS-AfamilyofAC-DCpowersupplies.TheHWS-A/E modelsareavailablewith eitherverticalorhorizontal orientatedterminals,simplifyingcableharnessing.Designedtoautomatemanufacturingprocesses,theHWSA/Emodelsarebothtimeand costeffective,andimprovereliability.Theterminalleversenable theinsertionofwiresandferruleswithouttheneedfortools,and unlikescrewterminalblocks,notorquerequirementsorroutine testingisrequired. TheHWS-A/Eseriesacceptsan85to265Vac input,withstandingapeakvoltageof300Vacfor5seconds.The push-interminaloptionsareavailablefor12,15,24,and48V outputsand50,100,and150Wratedmodels.Allmodelsare certifiedtoIEC/EN/UL/CSA62368-1,IEC/EN62477-1(OVC III)andUL508,withCEandUKCAmarkingtotheLowVoltage, EMC,andRoHSDirectives.TheTDK-LambdaHWSseriesisunique totheindustry,providingalimitedlifetimewarrantyinapplicable areas.Conservativecomponentratingsandtemperatures,including theelectrolyticcapacitors,ensurelongoperatingfieldlife.





The fourth Y-Lock generation from Yamaichi continues to offer the advantages of its predecessor series and complements them with new features that fulfil the special requirements of battery applications. A proven feature of the series and the V4 is the one-push lockingmechanism.Theflexibleflatcable(FFC)ortheflexible printedcircuitboard(FPC)isinsertedintotheconnectorusingthe pre-assembledstiffener.TheV4hasadoublelockingfunction, firstlyviatwolaterallockinghooksandsecondlyviaacentral lockingmechanismonthelongsideoftheinsulator.Thedesignof thesidehooksalsoensurestheblind-matingfunction.Thecable sideisdisassem-bledasbeforebysimplypullingthecable.The stiffeneralsofulfilsotherfunctions:Forexample,thetwo-part stiffenerdesignensuresthatthepadsoftheFFC/FPCareprotected againstcontact,sothatthecablecanalsobehandledsafelyduring servicing.Thisfeaturealsoensuresthattheplugcannotbeinsertedatanangleorupsidedown,thuspreventingshortcircuits causedbyincorrectinsertionofthecableside.Yamaichioffersthe mechanicalCPA(ConnectorPositionAssurance)asanoption.The additionalplasticpartallowsthestiffenertobepermanently lockedandactivelyreleasedfromtheconnector.


R&SScopeStudioisanewsoftwaresolutionfrom Rohde & Schwarzthattransfersthe capabilitiesoftheMXOseries oscilloscopestoacomputer. ThisPC-basedoscilloscope applicationfacilitatesthe viewing,analysis,documentationandsharingofoscilloscope measurementsawayfromtheoscilloscopehardware,presentinga moreaccessiblesolutionforindividualusersanddevelopment teams. Userscanimportoscilloscopewaveformsorentiresessions -ablendofcapturedwaveformdataandinstrumentsetupfiles. Thesubsequentmeasurementsandanalysiscapabilitiesmirror whatauserwouldexperienceontheirMXOoscilloscope.However, theapplicationoffersthreekeyadvantages.First,sinceuserscan viewandanalyzepreviouslyacquireddataawayfromtheinstrument,itleavestheoscilloscopefreeforotherstouse.Second, engineerscanusePCtoolstomoreefficientlydocumentdesigns. Thisnotonlyenhancesproductivitybutalsoimprovesthequality ofimagesandannotationsbyleveragingtheflexibilityofadditionalPCresources.Finally,researchanddevelopmentteamscan sharemeasurementresultsmoreeffectivelywithremotelocations, partners,suppliersandcustomers.Theneedtosharetechnical measurementdetailsiscommonindevelopmentteams,andthis PC-basedoscilloscopeapplicationsimplifiestheprocess.

Ultra-thinenergystorageforelectronicapplications Supercapacitors areaspecialtypeof energystoragedevicethatcombine certainpropertiesofrechargeable batterieswiththoseofcapacitors. Theycanstoreenormousamountsof energythiswayandreleaseitagain veryquickly,whichmakesthemparticularlyvaluableformanyapplications.Comparedtorechargeable batteriesofthesameweight,supercapacitorsonlyhavearound10 %oftheenergydensity.However,theirpowerdensityisaroundten toahundredtimesgreater. SCHURTER introducesitsnewlineof PrismaticSupercapacitors,settinganewstandardinenergystoragesolutions.Thesesupercapacitorscombinehighpowerdensity, extremelylowESR(EquivalentSeriesResistance),andultra-thin formfactors,makingthemtheidealchoicefordemandingelectronicapplications.TheprismaticsupercapacitorsfromSCHURTER aresuper-thin.Withathicknessofjust0.4mm,onevariantofthe SCHURTERSCPAfamilyisprobablytheworld'sthinnestsupercapacitor.TheSCPAmodelsaredesignedtodeliverrapidenergydischargeforhigh-loadapplications,ensurelong-termenergyretentionandefficiencyandwithstandsignificantlymorecharge/dischargecyclescomparedtoconventionalrechargeablebatteries.  Thenewsupercapacitorsareidealfordemandingapplicationsthat requirehighcapacitanceinthemostcompactdimensions.

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