Equipped with one or two ports for industrial automation
120 x 80 mm footprint travel, 40 mm height
Suitable for PLC and motion control applications
Torque ratings from 0.018 to 0.059Nm without heat sinks
Up to 64 mm stroke length
Enable sheet-to-sheet attachment without screws
300 up to 1800mm heights
With high hygienic standards
Configurable input for Pt100 and thermocouples
Received SIL3 certificate from exida
Operate at temperatures up to 399°C
Designed for demanding applications
Hand formable
For microcontrollers
For nonlinear microscopy & spectroscopy
Handles crystallizing fluids
For heavily textured surfaces
With 532, 785 and 1064 nm center wavelengths
Adapt to almost any situation
Operates to 6,000 bar
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