Optimized for deep and machine learning
Made of regenerated polyamide
Enable industry 4.0 integration
Wide range available to meet the most diverse requirements
Provide fast data transmission in harsh applications
Engineered for truckscales and tank/silo weighing
With over 200,000 attendees, K 2019 unveiled the latest innovations and offerings from the plastics sector
Combined with the ToF technology
Efficient in drive tasks in the food & beverage industry
Enables monitoring at 1- and 3-phases motors without sensor
Produces intelligent electrical documentation
Designed for ultra-speed network data transfer rates
Enable HMI systems with next-generation interfaces
Can setup a table of 256 commands
Provide easy installation and retrofitting
With the AEO 10.3x38, SCHURTER launches a high-performance fuse for particularly high voltages up to 1000 VDC and currents up to 50 A, which is particularly suitable for demanding automotive applications.
Can operate in extreme temperature environments
For AFE and AIC applications
With or without neutral
Continuous electric storage and DC-grid connection
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