All-in-one unit for sensing and IoT applications
Efficient microscopy imaging for industrial materials science applications
Useful in applications involving signal generators, benchtop test and measurement
They can split light to provide specific values of transmittance
Designed for arduous operating conditions
Allows accurate temperature readings in harsh applications
High performance with the lowest energy consumption
L Meters are easily mountable via panel nuts
With expansion port for integration of additional devices
Sensor unit for maintenance of housing bores
They provide high image resolution and minimum geometric distortion
Easy installation to monitor flow levels
They benefit from tested modern manufacturing methods
Designed for battery-powered consumer equipment
It provides unmatched quiet and smooth movement with zero blacklash operation
The new industrial automation protocols integrate mass flow and pressure instruments into process scheme
With solenoid and RFID technology
Detachable from both the power supply and the electrical equipment
Fast and tool-free assembly
For EX areas, trimmed to minimise energy consumption
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