The new gate drivers provide precise short-circuit detection, a Miller clamp and soft turn-off
Durable and Robust 1.27mm Pitch Cable Assemblies
Enables temperature measurement at multiple points through ATEX sensors and RS-485 Modbus
Provides software solutions applications in the field of electrification of auxiliary equipment
Provides flexible cable lengths up to 15m for automation, machine building and robotics
The company highlights its optical communication solutions for Datacom and Telecom at the European Conference on Optical Communication 2020
Comes with an extended field of view and increased line coverage
A fitted combination of Electrohydraulic and Electromechanical Actuation
Endress+Hauser makes instrument selection easier
Enable cabinet-free operating and installation concepts
Gas turbines are an efficient means of power generation that can be quickly deployed during times of peak demand
A reliable solution for all applications requiring Class '0' compressed air
The motors are ideal for battery-fed applications, where they help maximize the running time per battery charge
A new, global ISO 20560 norm is now available to standardise the identification of hidden and often hazardous pipe contents in factories and facilities. Compliant pipe markers are already offered by Brady Corporation
Presented at electronica 2020, this AI-driven scalable platform collects data and gives feedback for better fault identification
Designed to enhance CPU performance, real-time behavior and graphics capabilities
Provides quick and precise positioning
Can provide charging power of up to 350 kW
Manufactured for pure water dispensing
Have been used for satellite UHD video cameras
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