Based on Microchip's PolarFire FPGA
Components and systems for increased rigidity and higher loads
Connects up to 12 discrete signals
Fit for applications requiring low torque and/or high bandwidth
Suitable for IoV and IIoT applications
Combines analog and digital signal processing
Showcased at a live metal printing demonstration
Software that prevents scrap and boosts overall plant efficiency
Helps to reduce engine carbon emission
Combines a normal detection algorithm and a false detection function
Boost signal strength while allowing for longer cable
For sectors like robotics, aerospace and defence
With a single-stage power architecture, reduces losses in display applications
Enables the elimination of polluting emissions at sea
Designed in an open PCB
Enable to use robots quickly from a CNC panel
Allows a thermographic macro shooting
Ideal for geothermal, air separation or waste heat recovery processes
For use in hazardous atmospheres
Ensures the reliability of production equipment
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