How the controlled oil release of Mobil Grease prolongs its life
How the long life of Mobil Grease helps reduce re-greasing intervals
How Mobil Grease maintains optimum performance in even the most demanding of conditions
Automatic control of hydraulic systems pressure
Suitable for electric distribution boxes
To satisfy the request for lower torques
With an activation distance of 20 mm
With a front panel in a single stainless steel plate
With a high optical power
With rigid electrowelded housings
For a reduced energy consumption
Operated via removable keyboard
For the integration of the muting sensors
For the protection of operators
With low energy consumption
With cap in polypropylene based technopolymer
With a laser to indicate the analyzed source
It has an outstanding accuracy of 1.5% RH
It combines high performance in a compact design
It offers extremely high power density and up to 98% efficiency
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