Liquid-cooled heat sinks are used in applications where passive or fan-based cooling solutions are insufficient, but effective cooling is indispensable. However, there are major differences between liquid-cooled heat sinks. The optimal production process for the particular application depends on various factors, such as the desired material and coolant, the specified cooling capacity, and the required number of heat sinks.
Software Update enhances applicational possibilities
Available with push-in field connection technology
Flexibly mountable multitouch HMI in four sizes
Low audible emissions for medical and industrial environments
Incremental & absolute measurement for different requirements
Expanded Portfolio with improved Features
Cooling systems are crucial parts of industrial facilities, and an efficient cooling tower is of critical importance for the performance and durability of the facility
Design and manufacture service for radiation resistant lenses
Customised solutions with maximum performance, cost-effectiveness and availability
New contacts with a diameter of 1.6 and 2.0mm for high-voltage assignments
New application possibilities for real-time control with industrial PCs
Best Practices: OT To IT Series - Why you need both Network and Data Security
For flexible backups in the energy transition
Precise and fast movements for a versatile range of applications
Private cloud architecture for secure industrial deployment
Three-phase version with up to 40A output current
One-, two-, and three-channel models supplying up to 32 V, 10 A and 100 W DC power
Hot Melter with high performance and larger tank
Condition monitoring sensor detects magnetic field changes on three axes and opens new application fields
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