Connected to Systemiz application
Engineered for motor test benches
Designed for inspecting the measurement accuracy of pyrometers
Saving time and effort the smart way
Ultrasonic sensor and PIR sensor
Provides automatic hot and cold spot detection
Enhance carbon brush life and reduce maintain cost
Extend the range for protecting industrial netwroks against IT attacks
Plug & play vision inspection
Maximum measuring rate of 250 Hz
Save up to 5 minutes per label printjob
With the UMT-W, SCHURTER launches a pulse-proof SMD ceramic fuse with super time-lag tripping characteristics, which is particularly suitable as a fail-safe device in demanding applications
Speaks the language of IO-Link
Simple Solution, High Efficiency, Reduced Cost
Provide a traceable workflow of scanned patient swab tubes
Implemented in airports as a first step to detect possible infection
Respond to a critical demand for healthcare workers
With ultraviolet light, the robots can disinfect and kill viruses and bacteria autonomously
A preparation for advanced AI applications
Detects and analyzes the behaviors in a room
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