Designed for space critical applications
Suitable for robotic manufacturing and surgery
Meet the requirements for demanding workstations or high-performance computing
Part of global harmonization of standards for sockets and plugs
Enables intelligent condition monitoring
Suitable for electromobility applications with higher rated currents
The facility will effectively sustain a variety of industries
Provide low voltage current and low forward voltage drop
The companies will work together on Xilinx’ Versal ACAP platform reference designs
Suitable for ToF applications
Compatible with unshielded twisted pair and shielded twisted pair
Comes with AMD Radeon E9175 extension
The T1 and SPE enable Industry 4.0 and IIoT solutions
The subject of "charging electric vehicles" is characterized by an uncanny dynamic. Manufacturers of electric vehicles are struggling with tough bandages and pithy slogans. In this whitepaper you find a few simple facts
Operate in single-phase and industrial applications
Completes the OPC UA automation
An advanced EC and ECA system designed for NDE for aerospace, oil & gas, power generation, and manufacturing applications
Hannover Messe invites you to its 2020 edition which will take place from April 20th to April 24th. Don’t miss the chance to participate to the world’s leading trade show for industrial technology.
Vehicles today have been equipped with an increasing number of electronics. This leads to an intensification of power density. To guarantee maximum safety and comfort to motorists with an insatiable hunger for power, thermal fuses are a must for circuit p
New generation with user-friendly mounting procedure
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